Chapter 9

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I covered my mouth with my shirt as I went to get the purple oleander. If it's harmless to dragons then what does Viggo plan to use it for? I grabbed three small pots of purple oleander and brought it back to Viggo. He chuckled when he saw my shirt covering my nose and mouth. 

"Is this enough" I asked threw my shirt. 

"Yes" said Viggo. 

He walked up and took the flowers from me. 

"You look so ridiculous and adorable at the same time" said Viggo. 

I don't know why but that comment did things to me. Viggo smiled and went to go pay. I quickly got rid of the blush and tried to remind myself it's Viggo. I shouldn't develop feelings for him. Am I even into fruity men with a beard? 

Plus Viggo will probably go back to trying to kill me once he gets the dragon eye. Viggo had some of his men take the stuff to the ship and we kept walking. I put my shirt down and wiped my nose. 

"Last thing we need is some more clothes for you" said Viggo. 

"Clothes" I asked. 

"Yes, unless you want to wear the same outfit for a couple months. It will start to smell after a while" said Viggo. 

"Good point, I didn't think about that. But I get to pick out the clothes" I said. 

"Of course, just make sure it's comfortable" said Viggo. 

We went to the clothes shop and I got to pick out some new clothes. Nothing fancy just regular clothes. To be honest when I was kidnapped I was expecting more, prison. I'm not complaining though. 

After we got me some more clothes we went back to the ship where I had another day of sea sickness. Until we finally reached the secret base. I was asleep on the bed. 

"Y/n" said Viggo. 

I put the blanket over my head. 

"It's time to get off the ship" said Viggo. 

"I'm too tired" I said tiredly. 

"Do I really have to carry you" asked Viggo. 

I said nothing and thought about it. Would he actually? 

"Yes, because I'm not getting up till morning" I said. 

Viggo groaned and walked up to me. He lifted me off the bed but kept the blanket wrapped around me. He carried me off the ship and onto the island. I curled up from the coldness outside. 

"We can cuddle to keep warm if you want" said Viggo. 

I freed myself and stood up. 

"I'll walk instead. Just take me to where I will be sleeping tonight" I said. 

"Of course, whatever you are comfortable with" said Viggo. 

We walked and I followed Viggo in silence. I don't hate the guy and I'm sure we could be friends if I gave him the chance and weren't enemies. However do to my trust issues I have this feeling that the second I trust, anyone really, they will turn around and betray me. Seriously it took forever for the gang to get my trust. 

I doubt Viggo wouldn't betray me though. It's all probably some game. I'll trust him and then he will betray me. As we walked in silence I was surprised to not see a more permanent base. It's more like a camp site. 

"I thought this was a base of yours" I said. 

"It is, or it will be. My men have been seeing if this island is safe for the past year. It is, so I decided to make this another base" said Viggo. 

"Oh" I said. 

"Since winter is cold at night we are going to sleep in a cave tonight" said Viggo. 

"What about the dragons" I asked. 

"They will stay on the ship tonight" said Viggo. 

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