Chapter 29

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After the others got back we all had a chat in Viggo's office.


"It's not our fault you can't fly" said Ryker.

"Excuse me, our flying isn't the problem. The deal was there was no harm that would come to us or the dragons" I said crossing my arms.

"You're right" said Viggo.

"Thank you" I said.

"You're taking their side" said Ryker.

"This isn't about sides brother. I did promise that no danger would come to y/n and Sylvie but it is difficult to tell the difference between them and other dragons" said Viggo.

Ryker rolled his eyes annoyed.

"I know a guy at the coffee business. I'll talk to him about designing a bracelet or something that can stay regardless of your form. That way it would be easier to tell you apart. However it's also a good idea to stay out of the way of the arrows. So maybe you could land on the ship" said Viggo.

He has a point.

"That's it" asked Ryker.

"It's not a big deal. To be honest I was planning to talk to Sylvie and y/n about this earlier. I wasn't expecting a problem today but it's a simple fix" said Viggo.

Ryker groaned and Sylvie and I looked at each other.

"What do you think" I asked.

"Well, it will make it harder to hit us with a arrow. But I also get to be a nurse to the dragons" said Sylvie as she put her hands on her hips.

"Very well. We can work with that. For now, you two have the rest of the day off. The bracelets should be ready tomorrow so you can work on the Nader Migration then" said Viggo.

"Great, come on. Let's find something to do" said Sylvie.

We turned to leave and a doctor entered the hut.

"Is everything okay" asked Viggo.

"Tora threw up again" said the doctor.

Ryker was concerned.

"Is she alright? I thought she was feeling better" said Ryker.

"Well the morning sickness seems to be worse in the morning but it's only in the first trimester" said the doctor.

"Wait, but, are you saying she's pregnant" asked Sylvie.

"Yes" said the doctor.

"I'm going to be a father" said Ryker happily.

I threw up in my mouth and tried to keep it in my mouth. Sylvie was disgusted and I swallowed the vomit.

"Do you two have something against kids" asked Viggo.

"No its just? Tora, you know. Did that" said pointing at Ryker.

"Ya, she's my wife" said Ryker.

"Still, it's gross" I said.

"Poor child" said Sylvie.

"Just get out of here before I put you to work" said Ryker angrily.

"Okay okay, I'll leave" I said.

Sylvie and I left the tent. Viggo is now going to be a uncle.

"Well, this is worth writing a letter about" I said.

I found a spot on top of a tree to write the a letter while Sylvie went to go get us lunch. I'm not even sure what the write.


Well it's me. You're kidnapped sibling. I'm not really sure how to start this letter. Still kidnapped and still alive. Sylvie and I are becoming good friends. It's nice to finally have someone who understands shape shifting.

Also here's some gossip for the edge. Ryker not only has a wife but she is pregnant. So there is going to be a little Ryker Jr in nine months. Other then that everything is normal here. Sylvie and I are suppose to help the hunters during the Nader migration. I saw you watching earlier. I guess that's all for now. Do you think I should write a letter to dad as well? I'm not sure if he would read them.

From, the sibling.

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