Chapter One-The Boss

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~The Boss~

"Mr. Pachara...It's good to see you...", a petite lady exclaimed, while she headed towards me with a huge pile of paperwork. "Ms. Wang...hold on for a moment...I'm gonna help you with that...", I replied to my personal secretary, as I took the pile away and deposited it on a nearby side table. 

"Thank you for helping me with my folders and binders.", she spoke out with gratitude and softly smiled at me. "What's the matter?", I asked her, to which she answered "Will you show up at today's conference about the interior design project in Seoul?" "Of course I will...", I gave her my reply before I offered her to help carrying all the paperwork to Ms. Wang's office, which she took as a good suggestion. We both picked up a part of the paperwork and carried it to her office. 2 minutes later, we arrived at my secretary's office, as she thanked me again for lending her a hand with the paperwork. 

"Goodbye, Ms. Wang...I really have to leave next applicant is waiting in the lobby for me already...the interview was supposed to start at 9:30 and now, it's 9:41 already...", I said, looking at my phone screen. "I really need to leave...", I greeted her, before I made my way to the elevators, where I would head downstairs to the lobby, my applicant awaiting me. I entered the empty elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor, as the elevator drove to the ground floor.

I was the CEO of Pachara Corporates, a really prestigeous and famous real estate company, which did have multiple company buildings all over the world, however, the headquarters of Pachara Corporates were in Bangkok, which was also our biggest building in the company. Pachara Corporates focused on everything, which was about real estate: interior design, planning brand new building projects, taking part in building projects, client requests and many more. Running everything so smoothly wasn't easy, especially when you just finished your masters degree about a year ago. 

I visited the faculty of architecture in Bangkok, which I finished with a masters degree. However shortly after, 4 months to be exact, my dad Korn Kornwit Watangitiphat got into a motorbike accident, when he lost control over his motorbike while driving down a serpent road. The motorbike crushed both his hips, and severed his legs a lot. When he entered the hospital, Dr. Type told him, that he broke his left hip and both his legs, which lead to the conclusion, that my dad needed a surgery. The surgery went well, as we knew, that we could trust Dr. Type with my Dad's injury. However, he still recovered from the injuries. That's why he couldn't run the company at the moment.

When I arrived at the ground floor of my company, I witnessed a gentleman in a royal blue velvet suit who was carrying an equally beautiful brown leather briefcase. I headed towards the man, as he rised from the soft, brown leather chair, he was sitting in. The man had short, black hair and was about my height. (Leo is 6'2'') 

"Good morning...My name is Son Jiwoong, it's a pleasure to meet you...", Mr. Son introduced himself to me with a soft voice. "I am Mr. Pachara Watangitiphat, CEO of Pachara Corporates...", I returned a friendly introduction to Mr. Son. After Mr. Son and I got to know each other's names, I immediately made the gentleman a compliment for his divine fashion sense. "Thank you, that lowkey humbles me...", he thanked me for my sweet words, as we headed towards the elevators. 

Mr. Son suddenly asked, why my dad wasn't in the company. "He got involved into a severe motorbike accident and is still recovering from it...", I explained to him, whereupon Mr. Son just nodded. "Oh...I'm sorry to hear he okay now?", he showed concern, to which I just replied "Yes, he is fine now." "Oh god, good to hear...", he continued with a sigh of relief. As we entered the elevator, I pressed the button for the 10th floor and headed towards my office, as Mr. Choi suddenly crossed our way. 

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