the stars at night.

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i walked on to the stars bench as they were skating at practice.

"this is insane." i gasped, looking around the american airlines center.

i sat down as jamie benn & tyler seguin skated over to me, leaving their drills.


i stood up, shaking their hands.

"hi, im sunny."

"nice to meet you, were glad your here." benn said. "im jamie benn."

"oh i know this team." i laughed, theres no need to introduce themselves honestly.

they both laughed.

"fan?" tyler asked.

"since i was 5 and my dad took me to my first game." i announced proudly.


as the team practiced a few skated over to me to chat & meet me before another player came over, like a rotation.

i sat on the bench, feeling alone.

half way point and yeah this experience has been amazing but im missing out on school events, my siblings games, & family game nights.

i have to film a presentation today while im here so i have a schedule that i have to follow.

"aye sunny girl."

i turned to my right seeing max walking towards me.

he stopped and smiled at me.

i got up, moving towards him and leaped onto him.

he hugged me tightly and i could here the players giving us stick taps.

"what are you doing here?" i asked, as he set me to my feet.


"oh my god, ive missed you."

"come with me." he said, holding my hand to lead me down the tunnel.

"maxy." i smiled.

"sunny." he said back.

we walked up to the coordinator on the main level and when i turned the corner, delta came running for me.

"delly." i cried as i caught her in my arms.

i looked up at my parents and siblings walking towards me.

"no way."

i hugged them for the first time in months.

i took them back down to the bench for a little before i had to go film my presentation.


i went into the team room, were crystal & holly already had cavases on easels and paint on plates at every spot.

"howd it go?"

"good, it was a live presentation so i got to talk to some classmates!" i said.

i checked that everything was good and ready.

the door opened and max walked in.

"can i sit in?"

"yeah." i pointed to a chair on the side.

the team filtered in after showering.

"so whose this guy?"

i smiled, "this is max. my best friend."

"max." a few of the guys said.

i struggled them off and kept making sure everything was ready.

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