heres to moving on

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"sunny, are you sure you want to do this?" my dad asked.

"im having second thoughts." i said as we walked to a near by coffee shop in downtown toronto.

my dad could tell that i am stressed & sad so we left my mom & siblings to unpack my things in hollys apartment.

"whats going on?"

"its senior year and ill miss the littles games and ill miss you & mom." i said.

he opened the door to the coffee shop and we ordered then sat down to wait.

"i wouldnt let you do this if i thought you couldn't handle it." he said. "youre so incredibly able to do this and have fun while doing it. you're not like the other kids your age sunny."

i nodded.

"its senior year and youll be missing out on a lot of last but no other senior in the world has this opportunity, do you realize how cool that is?"

"yeah but max." i said, wiping my tears.

"why aren't you two dating?"

i shrugged.

"okay." he dropped it.

after our coffee & snack, i felt better so we walked back to my new home.

"has hayes said anything?"

"i have no idea." i said.

"oh." he said.

"are you hoping that he'd say something?"

"no, i just want to make sure hes not blaming this on you."

i nodded.

because ive been blaming it on myself.

i was leaving for the season anyway so there was no reason to trade hayes. when my contract is up hayes will back home and not in texas.

he opened the door to the apartment building and we got on the elevator that took us to the 8th floor.

when i entered the apartment, the mess was gone and my things had a place.

the reality is setting in.

im moving 22 hours away, by flight.

"does it look good sunny?" my mom asked.

and here comes the panic in 3..2..1..

"i dont wanna." i cried, throwing myself into her arms.

"sunny." she said, hugging me back.

"i cant mom."

"you can." she said back.

"i want to go home, this isn't home."

i cried in her arms for the next 30 minutes, as she combed through my hair with her fingers.

"hey sunny." crystal said, walking in.

"i want to go home crystal."

"you hate canada already?" she joked in her canadian accent.


"what is it then?"

"i want to go home." i cried. "this isnt home."

"you gotta give it time sunny, it will be home."

"my siblings wont be here."

after i cried my eyes out in my mom shirt, we had dinner at the apartment and now im standing in the entry of the apartment, that i
will not call my apartment, telling my family bye.

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