i wanna dance with somebody!

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i ran through the front door after seeing maxs car outside.

my parents picked me up from the airport and drove me home.

i ran in a tackled him, i hit his body so hard.


"hey girl." he said, hugging me tightly.

"i missed you."

we got up off the floor as my parents walked in the house.

37 days til graduation.

but only 26 days of school with my friends for the final time.

i ate dinner with my family & max before i went to my room for the first time since october.

my room was filled with a box of stuff from every team. the canvas i painted, a jersey, & other memorabilia that the teams mailed to my house because there wouldn't be room for all of them in the suburban.


"yeah." max said.

i pushed the boxes to the corner and jumped into bed.

max fell on top of me so i ran my fingers through his hair.


he kissed my cheek.


"i gotta go home."

"no." i said back, wrapping my body around him.

"i do."

"come over in the morning tomorrow?" i asked, knowing im going straight from toronto to a desk in a classroom tomorrow.

i have school tomorrow, then friday is senior skip day for prom.

my friend group has plans all day!

mini golf, nails, coffee, lunch, & high school musical on the football field tonight.

im so lucky that im home in time for these days.

the final days of senior year.


while i was in dallas, teaching the stars, we stopped a big prom dress store and i picked out a dress there.

we took pictures while going through utah at the salt flats.

but no one else has seen my dress.

my house was the party house.

we had 8 girls here getting ready with theyre 8 dates.

the party started at noon with lunch and then hair & makeup for the girls, which the guys played multiple rounds of fortnight and mini hockey with my dad.

when my mom opened the door the group gasped at my dress.

"oh my god!"

max licked his lips.

his bow tie, a sparkly royal blue, matched perfectly!

"hello gorgeous." he gushed.


after prom we went to the local dinner, that stayed open later for us, and ate an ungodly amount of food.

so many pancakes while sharing laughs with my friends as the night became the morning.

so at 12:45am when i got home i didnt except the lights to be on.

"did you have a cerfew?" max after.

"1am." i answered.

he nodded and got out of the car, coming around to my side to open the door.

"thank you."

he held my hand as we walked up to the frong door, and through the glass i could see my dad in thd living room, watching tv.

and the door was unlocked.

did he said midnight? did i look at the time wrong?

once i opened the door, my dads focus on the tv turned to us as a soft smile spread across his face.

"hey party animals."

"hey dad." i laughed.

he stood up, "how was your night?" he asked, coming to hug me.

"so fun!"

"it was really good!" max said.

"thats awesome guys!"

i love my dad, hes protective but also loves seeing his kids happy.

"i was just dropping her off and making sure she got in safely." max said.

"max, youre staying here." he said.

"no sir." he shook his head, clearly knowing my dads rules.

"yes sir you are. i know that your parents are out of town and its late, i dont want you driving."

max & i looked at eachother.

"youre still sleeping in different room." my dad clarified. "i left some clothes for you in the guest bedroom max."

"oh um thanks." max said, making me laugh.

"alright party animals, time to say goodnight and head opposite directions."

"can he at least come up with me and help me get out of my dress?" i asked.

"i guess." my dad said. "im glad yall had fun, good night guys."

i hugged my dad one more time, "goodnight, i love you."

max followed me up to my room, holding my dress up as i went up the stairs, making sure i dont trip over it.

i wiped off my makeup in my bathroom with max sitting on the counter.

"im so tired." i complained.

"me too." he yawned.

i turned around, moving my hair to the side, allowing him to unzip my dress.

he unzipped it, but his hands lingered on my hips before they wrapped around me and he kissed my shoulder.

"goodnight sunny girl." he said.

i moved and he hopped off the counter, going to leave the bathroom.

"love you maxy."

he held up a heart with his hands.

i pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked my notifications for the first time tonight.

i posted a picture of me & max on my story but after that i was in the moment.

instagram message

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or just a date?

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