Has The Conqueror's Name

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Two Months Later...

The castle walls, once warm with life, turned cold and unyielding, a silent prelude to the ominous news that hung in the air. The joyous sounds of the people faded into an uneasy stillness, and the anticipation was palpable. Laenys, burdened by the weight of her advanced pregnancy, navigated the halls with a slow and labored gait. The unwelcome physical demands of her condition mirrored the heaviness that settled over the entire realm. Ser Baelon, clad in black and red armor, followed closely, a silent sentinel to her vulnerability.

Eight months pregnant, Laenys found every step a struggle, and the additional reliance on others for daily tasks irked her fiercely. As she ascended the stairs, a mundane act became a trial. The King's door loomed ahead, and as she pushed it open, her disdain deepened at the sight of neglected chambers adorned with cobwebs. No one had bothered to maintain the royal abode.

Her attention shifted to the bed, where Viserys, the once-mighty king, lay in a pitiful state. His labored breaths and weakened struggles were stark reminders of his imminent departure from the mortal realm. Laenys, suppressing her initial disgust, approached his bedside. "My King," she uttered softly, and he stirred, acknowledging her presence. "Laenys..." He said before he opened up his fragile hand, which made her hold it.

"I've come back again as you requested. I could not allow you to go days without our talks." She said with a kind smile. Viserys weakly grinned. "Of course. You were always... kind to me." He said he sounded out of breath like he was trying to catch up with himself.

"What was it you wished to speak about?" Laenys asked, Viserys let go of her hand and pointed towards the Valyrian dagger that was set on display on a table across the room. Laenys glanced over at it with confusion, she looked at Baelon and he was quick to walk over to the dagger and grab it.

He hands the dagger to Laenys and she looks back up at Viserys. "Place it... in the open flame." He said. Laenys nods before looking over at his bedside table to see a lit candle. She stands on her feet walks up to it and puts the blade in the flame, he watches the metal grow red and hot.

Suddenly Valryian words reveal themselves to her on the blade. She looked at it with confusion, what was the King trying to tell her? "From my blood come the prince or princess that was promised. And theirs will be the song of ice and fire." She spoke out loud, she was even more concerned than she once was. She looked over at Viserys.

"It was Aegon's dream... from his blood a Prince or Princess will bring about the dawn, and defend the people from the harsh winter." He said, Laenys looked over at Baelon, who shared her confusion. She had heard of the winter soon to come, but that would happen for another... 80-90 years. So this prince or princess would come and bring the dawn?

"Our blood is sacred, Laenys. That baby you carry is sacred." Viserys stated, Laenys walked up to the King sat on the edge of his bed, and grabbed his hand again. "It is crucial for House Targaryen to remain strong and united. The only ones that can tear us down are ourselves." Laenys squeezed his hand with a determined expression.

"I will not let that happen." She says, Viserys' eyes fluttered closed and Laenys breathed in before letting go of his hand softly. She stood up and watched the King for a moment before looking over at Baelon. "What do we do now?" He asked, Laenys sighed before waddling over to a gold and brown colored couch and she sat down upon it.

"I am only assuming Rhaenrya knows of Aegon's dream. She is going to be Queen so she needs to know of it..." She paused. From my blood come the Prince or Princess that was promised, and theirs will be the song of ice and fire. She breathed in before rubbing the side of her stomach, so this would mean her child was important. "This prophecy should not stand in the way of what is about to happen. We still have to protect our own when the King dies. That means Luke, Jace, Joffrey, and even Rhaenrya's boys by Daemon. They are our blood... including yours." She mentioned, making the man look down at his lap.

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