Chapter 1: Summons

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Something that no longer belongs in this world. By definition, a ghost is an apparition of the dead, the soul of someone who died, who is believed to be an inhabitant of some unseen world, occasionally appearing to the living in bodily facsimile.

But there could be more to the word/term "ghost" than merely a wandering soul.

It is when feelings and emotions pass through you and you feel nothing at all; you go silent, lose empathy, your conscience- your soul.

It's when you feel like you've died but you're in fact, still alive.




The dead have nothing.

The dead commits everything to the ground.

Earth to earth,

Ashes to ashes,

Dust to dust.

To be a living ghost is to live without having anything to your name- it is when you have nothing to lose but everything to gain.


<10 YEARS AGO- Autumn, 2012>

Taehyung's class ended a few hours ago, but as usual, he didn't go straight home. He's in their school's indoor swimming pool alone; it's dark with only the faint light of the silver moon reflecting through the gym's awning windows.

With his eyes shut, Taehyung clutches his knees closer to his chest, holding his breath as the ice-cold water engulf him completely.

Something about being under water compels Taehyung to dive headfirst-all the way to the bottom, and stay there for as long as possible.

Here, Taehyung feels like he's in his own little world where nothing else matters; not his appearance, his scent- his rank.

Here, where all he can think about is not depleting the air in his lungs, Taehyung forgets about those sneering faces that often ringed around him as he lay bloodied and bruised on the ground.

Here, Taehyung is free to feel numb.


After nearly two minutes of staying at the bottom of the pool, Taehyung finally felt the need to breathe; bringing his head out of the water; he immediately felt that dreadful sting when the cold air hit the fresh cuts and bruises all over his face and body.

From there, Taehyung treads in the water, keeping himself afloat, acting unfazed despite the presence of an unexpected guest-a stranger standing at the edge of the pool.

Taehyung spent the majority of his life at this school, so he's certain that this is the first time he's seen the alpha in front of him, brazenly emitting his pheromones that smell of oud, spice, and wood. Then again, Taehyung, isn't one to care, especially after seeing the expensive-looking watch on the guy's wrist, so instead of inquiring, he just calmly swam towards the edge, getting out of the pool, casually picking his discarded uniform from the floor, and walking past the doe-eyed alpha who's clearly following his every move.

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