Chapter 4: Sanctuary

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<you can play this as you read.>

Watercolor eyes


'It hurts,' Taehyung thinks as Jeongguk tightens his grip on his wrist even more; he can feel Jeongguk's nails piercing his skin, and it stings- it burns all the way down to his flesh and bones. Taehyung's eyes are fixed on the floor; he has no idea where they're going, but his head is all fogged, so he's just following Jeongguk wherever he goes.

Taehyung can hear the damn faceless bystanders' not-so-quiet gasps and whispers, and he can tell by the collection of their scents that they're all curious about what's going on, nevertheless Taehyung couldn't care less about any of them, when Jeongguk's scent alone is enough to drown out all of his other senses.

'He's mad... Why? Aren't I the one who should be more upset here?' Taehyung thinks as Jeongguk tugs on his wrist, forcing him to walk faster, until they reach the 'almost' always empty restroom here at the third level of their school building.

"Out," Taehyung hears Jeongguk say, startling the only person inside the restroom, a freshman washing his hands on the sink, leading the kid to flee, slamming the door shut behind him.


Taehyung is pretty sure Jeongguk just locked the door; none of them are saying anything, and the longer this silence drags on, the more Taehyung's stomach churns.

"Why... Why? WHY?!!!" Jeongguk suddenly explodes, pushing Taehyung so hard that his back slams against the wall-it hurts-but Taehyung couldn't find the right words he could say to Jeongguk.

"I told you-I already told you that I have it under control! I told you to wait-for fucks sake, was it that hard to wait for another day?! Why? Why can't you just listen? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NOT LISTEN TO WHAT I'VE SAID?" Jeongguk snarls, his eyes are all black and his face is flushed as he grabs a fistful of Taehyung's hair and drags him to the sink, pushing him down, letting the water run as he vehemently washes Taehyung's mouth.

It's rough- and Jeongguk isn't even as remotely gentle with him as he is usually; he kept on rubbing his palm hard on his lips that Taehyung started tasting his own blood coming from his teeth; still-Taehyung couldn't get himself to stop Jeongguk from what he'a doing, because the truth is, this is exactly what he wants to do to himself at the moment.

Taehyung feels so disgusting right now that if he could wash his mouth with bleach he would probably do it in a heartbeat. The friction from Jeongguk's hand is beginning to scrape the first layer of skin on Taehyung's lips, causing it to bleed, his blood dripping and fading with the water as it runs down the drain, but it does nothing to help Taehyung feel clean again.

"FUCK! FUCK-TAEHYUNG! FUCK!" Jeongguk screams, pushing Taehyung's face further down the sink, thoughtlessly splashing more water onto his face, to the point where some of it got up to his nostrils, making him cough and his shirt to get wet; and maybe the pain from it got into Taehyung, dragging him back from whatever headspace he's in.

Jeongguk's grasp on his hair remains firm, while his other hand is still over Taehyung's mouth; he's seething mad and he's making sure that Taehyung is aware of it.

"*Cough!* F-fuck off!" Taehyung finally resisted, throwing his arm back and catching Jeongguk by the wrist, pulling the latter's hand away from him, and once he was released he pushed Jeongguk so hard the latter almost stumbled if it hadn't been for his quick reflexes.

Taehyung continued to cough, huffing out of breath with his palms resting on his knees, and before he knew it, Jeongguk was on him again, grabbing him by the collar and pushing him until his back crashed against the cold tiled walls of the restroom they're in.

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