Chapter Four

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A week passed and Taylor had written her final song for the new album, now all that was left was to record everything and release the album. She hadn't seen Hayley in that time. She'd left her alone to get to know her new puppy. But now Taylor stood outside Hayley's home and knocked softly on the door.

There was a soft bark from the other side of the door and the movement of feet before Hayley opened the door with one hand, Alf in the other. "H-hi." Hayley said.

"Hi." Taylor said softly, offering her a warm smile.

Hayley stepped back to let Taylor into the house then closed the door behind her and put Alf down on the floor.

Alf instantly ran up to Taylor, sniffing her leg.

"The album is finished." Taylor said softly, following Hayley into the living room.. The living room was plain, Hayley hadn't decorated much.

Hayley sat down on the couch and tucked her legs under her body. "That's good." She said with a small half smile as she picked Alf up from the floor and sat him on her lap.

The blonde sat down beside Hayley and smiled at her. "How have you been?" She asked.

Hayley ran her fingers through Alf's soft hair, clearly more relaxed with him in her presence. She shrugged.

"Hales?" Taylor's smile dropped into a concerned frown.

Hayley lifted her head to look at Taylor. "How have you been?"

"I asked you first." Taylor said, searching Hayley's eyes.

Hayley dropped her eyes to her hands on Alf's soft fur. "I- I haven't been sleeping." She murmured.

The blonde frowned softly. "Why didn't you call me?"

"I didn't want to bother you." Hayley mumbled, not lifting her head, her hair fell down around her face, shielding her tiredness from Taylor.

"Hales, I don't care what time of day it is. Call me." Taylor said softly, reaching out to push Hayley's hair from her eyes.

Hayley squeezed her eyes closed so that Taylor couldn't see the tiredness in her eyes. "You had an album to finish." She mumbled.

"So, your mental health and sleep are more important to me." Taylor said softly, moving closer to Hayley.

"Your record label and manager would think otherwise." Hayley breathed. Her head was pounding from tiredness.

Taylor stood up and held her hand out to Hayley. "Who cares what they think, let's go lay down."

Hayley opened her eyes. She lifted Alf from her lap and held him in one arm, taking Taylor's hand with the other and getting up off of the couch.

The leggy blonde followed Hayley to her bedroom. "Why don't you lay down and I can hold you." She offered softly.

Hayley nodded slowly, her movements were lethargic and mechanical as she led Taylor to her bedroom. She pushed the door open with her foot and led Taylor inside. There were no pictures decorating the white walls and everything was very plain. The only things that seemed to belong to Hayley was her guitar in the corner of the room and an old stuffed teddy bear with a blue bow around its neck on the bed.

Taylor waited until Hayley laid down before following her.

Alf stepped out of Hayley's arms and lay down by her feet, his eyes never leaving her.

Hayley laid her head on one of the pillows but didn't close her eyes. That was her problem. She was tired, but as soon as her head was on the pillow, she was wide awake.

The Guitarist (Hayley Williams and Taylor Swift AU)Where stories live. Discover now