Chapter Five

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Hayley sat on the soft grass in the backyard, staring up at the stars while Alf wandered around the grass, sniffing, looking for a place to pee. Despite the cool air, Hayley only wore a thin top and her pyjama pants. She did not appear cold though there were goosebumps on her skin. She wasn't able to sleep and had decided to come outside with Alf when he needed the toilet.

Taylor appeared in the doorway of the backdoor, watching her quietly. She pulled the blanket around her body, shivering slightly and wondering how Hayley was not cold.

Hayley pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them as she watched the stars glisten against the black sky above her head.

Alf finally ran over to her, barking softly.

Hayley dragged her eyes from the stars in the sky to look at the puppy. She unwrapped one arm from around her knees and reached out to pat her dog on his head.

Alf looked in Taylor's direction, wagging his tail.

Hayley lifted him up and placed him on her knees. His fur was warm and she hugged him close, allowing the heat from his fur to invade her chest and warm her body which was starting to shiver from the cold air.

"Hales, why don't you come inside?" Taylor called out softly.

Hayley nearly had a heart attack, nearly leaping ten feet in the air, when Taylor spoke. She had not expected Taylor to be awake, let alone watching her. Slowly, she got to her feet, keeping Alf in her arms, and made her way inside.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Taylor said softly, offering her a soft smile.

Hayley shook her head dismissively as she placed Alf down on the floor and closed the back door. The house was now cold, she'd left the back door open while she was outside, letting in all the cold air from the outside world.

Taylor stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Hayley to warm her up. "Why don't we go lay back down?" She asked softly.

Hayley found herself curling into Taylor's warmth, nuzzling her shoulder as she closed her eyes. She felt safe in Taylor's arms.

The blonde gently ran a hand up and down Hayley's back. "Let's go lay down." She whispered softly.

Hayley shook her head. She didn't move. After a moment, she lifted her head from Taylor's shoulder, compelled by the need to feel physically close to someone, she leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to Taylor's, something she wouldn't ordinarily have done.

Taylor froze for a moment before slowly kissing Hayley back.

Their lips morphed together as though they had been made for each other and they moved in sync for a while before Hayley pulled away and backed away from Taylor, shaking her head and not looking at the blonde. "I-I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have done that." She muttered, her eyes on the floor. She was shaking.

Shaking her head, Taylor cleared her throat. "It's okay, you don't have to apologise." She said softly, reaching up and lifting Hayley's head. "I liked it." She whispered, searching Hayley's eyes.

"Y-you liked it?" Hayley breathed, biting her lower lip and not meeting Taylor's eyes.

"I did." Taylor whispered softly, trying to meet Hayley's eyes.

Hayley actively avoided Taylor's gaze, her eyes now focused on her bare feet as though they were the most interesting thing on the planet. She'd never dated a girl before. She'd only ever dated boys. Granted she had kissed a girl in high school once but when the school found out, she quickly covered it up by asking her friend Josh if he'd go on a date with her. Their relationship had moved too fast for her and she wound up telling him to back off, which he did and their friendship had suffered. Josh was Zac's brother and while Hayley remained best friends with Zac, she rarely saw or spoke to Josh anymore. That kiss she'd just shared with Taylor was something she'd never experienced before, it was unlike any kiss she'd had before. It was electric.

The Guitarist (Hayley Williams and Taylor Swift AU)Where stories live. Discover now