Chapter Six

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The album dropped and was received excellently by fans and critics alike. Red topped the charts. Taylor was proud of her creation and gave Hayley credit for her part in every interview she had, despite the guitarist requesting she didn't do that.

Now they were prepping for the red tour, rehearsing for five hours straight. Things were going okay, apart from Hayley missing her queues and fumbling nervously over her strings. She was getting frustrated and Taylor had to call a five minute break.

"Hey, talk to me." Taylor said, taking Hayley's hands from the guitar strings and onto her own once the dancers and other band members had filleted off the stage.

Hayley wouldn't meet her eyes. "I don't belong up here. I'm not cut out for performing on a big stage." She murmured.

"You belong up on this stage." Taylor said softly, looking Hayley in the eyes. "You're just nervous."

Hayley shook her head, her freshly dyed pastel grey hair swinging around her shoulders. "Everyone else knows their queues, they are all so confident and make the stage their own. I can barely reach my mark without falling over before the show has even started." She rambled.

"Hales, it's okay. We have time to keep practising." Taylor said softly.

Tears were welling up in Hayley's green eyes, her shoulders were shaking as she fought to keep herself calm. She was overwhelmed and her emotions were all over the place, being on her period didn't help her control them.

Taylor instantly pulled her into a hug, holding her close.

Hayley rested her forehead against the taller musician's shoulder and closed her eyes.

"You can do this. I believe in you." Taylor whispered softly.

Hayley listened to Taylor whisper sweet nothings into her ear for the next ten minutes before the band, backup singers and dancers returned from their break.

"Let's try this again." Taylor said softly, pulling away from Hayley.

Hayley took a deep breath, releasing the air slowly from her lungs through her slightly parted lips. She returned her hands to her guitar and found her spot on the stage.

Taylor nodded her head, and took a deep breath. "Let's begin with 'I Knew You Were Trouble'." She said, taking her microphone from Tree who stood at the stairs. She offered her a grateful smile before taking her place.

Taylor cast a glance towards Hayley who was staring at the strings on her guitar. The shorter musician began to strum the melody for 'I Knew You Were Trouble'.

The blonde smiled before beginning to sing.

Hayley managed to stay in time with the other members of the band allowing all the dancers and Taylor and the backing singers to do their best and hit all their marks.

"That's what I'm talking about." Taylor breathed out, looking towards Hayley with a warm smile.

Hayley offered Taylor a small, half smile as she finished playing the last few chords to the song.


"See, I knew you could do it." Taylor said softly as she wrapped her arms around Hayley.

Hayley looked up at Taylor. "One semi-good rehearsal doesn't mean I'm ready for a full tour." She said quietly.

"Hales, once we calmed your nerves you did amazing." Taylor said softly, searching Hayley's eyes. "You can do this, I wouldn't have chosen you if I thought differently."

Hayley shook her head. "Performing in front of you, your mother, and your manager is completely different from performing in front of a room full of your fans." She whispered.

The Guitarist (Hayley Williams and Taylor Swift AU)Where stories live. Discover now