Chapter Ten

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Hayley was first to wake up as usual. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, shifting on the bed.

Taylor shifted slightly and pulled Hayley closer.

Hayley hummed and nuzzled Taylor's shoulder.

The blonde relaxed, but didn't release Hayley.

Hayley lay in bed for another hour, staring at the ceiling absentmindedly, before Taylor woke up.

The blonde started shifting which signalled she was waking up.

Hayley turned her head to look at Taylor and smiled softly as her eyes met the electric blue ones belonging to her girlfriend. "Hi." She said but no sound came out.

"Morning, you've lost your voice." Taylor whispered, her own voice raspy from sleep and being sick.

Hayley nodded her head. "Yeah." Again no sound came out of her mouth.

"Do you feel sick?" Taylor asked softly, searching Hayley's eyes.

Hayley thought for a moment before shaking her head. Her hair fell down around her shoulders.

Reaching up, Taylor gently caressed Hayley's cheek. Not sure what could have made her lose her voice overnight.

Closing her eyes, Hayley leaned into Taylor's touch, turning her face slightly to kiss Taylor's wrist delicately.

"Let's get some breakfast." Taylor whispered softly.

Hayley opened her eyes and looked at Taylor.

"You need to eat something." Taylor whispered softly, searching Hayley's eyes.

Hayley opened her mouth to speak then realised it was useless, no sound would come out anyway. She closed her mouth again.

Taylor raised an eyebrow at her.

Hayley shook her head and sat up on the bed. She turned to face Taylor completely and poked her stomach playfully.

"What?" Taylor asked with a soft smile.

Hayley made a 'thinking face', her nose scrunched up and lips pursed. Then she shifted and sat on Taylor's legs, poking her stomach again, a playful smile crossing her lips.

Taylor squirmed slightly and placed her hands on Hayley's hips. "What are you up to?" She asked.

Hayley looked up at Taylor with a sweet smile on her lips but her eyes reflected mischievousness. She then began to tickle Taylor.

Squealing softly, Taylor began squirming.

Hayley laughed silently as she tickled Taylor.

"Hales!" Taylor laughed out, trying to move the older woman off of her.

Hayley lifted her hands from Taylor's body, still laughing silently. She fell to the side onto the mattress beside Taylor when the blonde pushed her off gently.

Taylor instantly moved so she was straddling Hayley's hips. "That was mean." She whispered teasingly.

Hayley gave Taylor an innocent smile. She shrugged her shoulders.

Taylor's hands slowly travelled up Hayley's non-scared arms before trailing down the pastel haired girl's chest.

Hayley shuddered under Taylor's touch, dropping her eyes from Taylor's to the blonde's hands.

The blonde trailed her hands further down, gently slipping them under Hayley's shirt.

Hayley's eyebrows furrowed and her lips turned down into a frown. She lifted her eyes back to Taylor's.

The Guitarist (Hayley Williams and Taylor Swift AU)Where stories live. Discover now