Chapter Nine

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Hayley seemed to grow more nervous as the shows progressed and the tour moved to Mississippi. With the prospect of possibly seeing her niece again for the first time in years, Hayley became scared. She hadn't heard back from her family after she sent the two tickets to Taylor's concert to them. She was afraid they'd gotten lost in the mail or that her niece had just simply forgotten who she was.

"Breathe, I'm sure they'll show up." Taylor whispered softly, stepping up behind Hayley and wrapping her arms around the shorter woman's waist.

Hayley shook her head. "I don't think so." She said quietly. "I don't even know if she likes your music, she'd be crazy not to." She focused her eyes on the floor and leaned back against Taylor's shoulder.

Taylor placed a soft kiss against Hayley's shoulder. "It's their loss if they don't come, they're missing out on an amazing person."

"Things in my family have never been stable... My parents married young, had my older sister and me and then divorced when I was young. I used to blame myself... mom met this really dodgy man... she fell for him and when she realised he was hurting us... we moved to Tennessee to get away from him." Hayley said in a whisper. She stared at the floor, unsure if she could or should continue.

Carefully, Taylor turned Hayley around in her arms. "You don't have to tell me anything, not until you're ready." She whispered softly, gently lifting Hayley's head. "But, nothing is your fault."

"If I'd kept my mouth shut... if I'd let mom think I was happy... we wouldn't have left Mississippi.... We wouldn't have had the accident... she'd be alive... my niece would know me... my dad wouldn't be a stranger... my sister wouldn't be a stranger." Hayley whispered, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "If I'd kept my mouth shut... I wouldn't have you..." She shook her head. "I can't imagine my life without you in it."

Taylor pulled Hayley closer, resting her head against the shorter woman's. "I'm not going anywhere, ever." She promised softly.

Hayley nuzzled Taylor's shoulder affectionately, hugging the blonde singer tightly.

"I love you." Taylor whispered softly, tightening her arms around Hayley.

"I love you too." Hayley whispered quietly, burying her face in Taylor's shoulder.

Humming softly, Taylor began to gently sway their bodies. She felt Hayley relax in her arms, the tension leaving the older musicians' muscles.

Smiling softly, Taylor pulled away and moved them over to the bed. "Get some sleep, we have an early rehearsal tomorrow." She said softly.

Hayley could only manage a small nod of her head, looking exhausted.

Laying down, Taylor pulled Hayley into her arms and held her close.

Hayley curled into Taylor, burying her face in the blonde woman's shoulder to block out any light.

Shifting slightly, Taylor kissed the top of Hayley's head. "Sleep." She whispered softly.

Hayley closed her eyes, relaxing against Taylor's body. Taylor made her feel safe, Taylor made her feel secure, Taylor made her feel like nothing could touch her. The whole world made sense with Taylor.

Closing her eyes, Taylor thought of what was going to happen tomorrow night. She hadn't told Hayley, but she'd reached out to Hayley's family and they were going to surprise Hayley during the meet and greet. She didn't know how Hayley would react, she just hoped it was a positive experience for her and hoped Hayley could reconnect with her family. She needed them now more than ever before.

It wasn't long before Hayley was sound asleep in Taylor's arms, the blonde falling asleep not long after.

Hayley was first to wake up the next morning, as usual. Not wishing to wake Taylor, she crawled out of the bed silently and moved towards the living room area of the hotel room. She settled herself on the couch with a worn copy of 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo'. She glanced out the window, the sun was just beginning to rise, before opening the book.

The Guitarist (Hayley Williams and Taylor Swift AU)Where stories live. Discover now