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The rules for this story are: 

Number 1: Iseaki without the die: This story is similar to an Isekai story, but the protagonist will not die, instead he will suffer a migraine and pass out, when he re-awakens, he will be within the game. 

Number 2: Originality Temporarily Lost: When the protagonist enters the game, he will lose all of his memories of being in the real world, instead he will wake up in the game world as if he had just had a bad dream. 

Number 3: Physical Change Apparent: When the Protagonist wakes up in the game world, his physical appearance will change,(Primarily for the story), in the real world the protagonist is a teenager going to college, in The Callisto Protocol, he is a guard for Black Iron Prison. 

Number 4: Plot Course Redirected: With the insertion of a new character, the plot of the game will change in some spots, but the story will mostly stay the same. 

Number 5: New aspect, New focus: Since the Protagonist is part of the story, some parts will be more focused on Him rather than Jacob, and I may make some bits up for story purposes. 

Number 6: Take the risk, take the reward: When the Protagonist completes the game, he will gain something from said game, I won't say what it is though.

A/N: I would like to clarify I am currently Playing The Callisto Protocol, so I will try to update the story as I play, but I make no guarantees the updates will be consistent, but I will try, until then, Peace out, My dudes, see you on Callisto.

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