Chapter 1: Cargo

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Since Cargo is a really short chapter, this chapter will introduce us to the Protagonist, AKA (F/N), AKA You, it will cover what (F/N)  was doing before he was pulled into The Callisto Protocol, and what he was doing as a guard during Cargo, next chapter will be more aligned with the plot.


The Real World: England

It was a rainy afternoon in England, college students were going home, chatting away to each other, talking about what they were going to do for half-term, among the mass of students, was a young Caucasian man of 5f10, and was leanly built, who had his head down and his umbrella raised to shield him from the rain, he to had plans for the half-term, which was really just to play games, and look after the house since his parents are overseas for work. 

The young man reached his house and opened the door, welcomed by the silence, that was interrupted by the sound of light rainfall. Walking into the kitchen area to get a drink from the fridge, the young man places his lanyard on the counter, the photo revealing a teenager with (E/C) eyes, framed by (F/C) glasses, and short, straight (H/C) hair, the name reading (F/N) (L/N). The after-mentioned young man now closed the fridge, took out a can of (F/Fz), and headed to his room to get started on the homework he had been assigned, and he was not looking forward to it. 

With a sigh of relief, (F/N) leaned back into his chair, homework finally done, now it was chill time, but as if sensing his train of thought, his stomach growled, craving sustenance. With a small chuckle, (F/N) went to the kitchen, ready to make his dinner, but his thoughts were primarily on the game he was going to play tonight: The Callisto Protocol. Most would call it a very bad game, (F/N) thought it had potential, and the overall idea was really interesting and he loved it, it just wasn't developed properly, and it had a rocky release, but to him, it was worth it. 


After dinner, (F/N) did his dishes, and did any chores that needed doing, afterwards, he cleaned himself up, got a bottle of (F/Fz) and some (F/Sk), and booted up his PlayStation, with The Callisto Protocol already inserted. (F/N) had a big smile on his face and the application started loading, when he was suddenly hit with a migraine, hissing in pain and clutching his head, (F/N) got up to take a quick painkiller, however, he missed his TV screen flicker for a moment. (F/N) gulped down the bottled water, swallowing the pain killer, however, the pain just seemed to intensify. (F/n) dropped the water bottle and clutched his head crying out slightly now his ears were ringing. He rushed to his room to grab his phone, hoping to call an ambulance, however as soon as he entered his room, his vision became blurry, he felt dizzy and his whole body went numb, the last thing (F/N) saw was his pillow rushing to meet his face. 

Location: The Callisto Protocol

Callisto, Black Iron Prison, Guard Barracks

Inside Black Iron Prison, a guard jolted up in his sleep panting heavily with sweat running down his forehead, sitting up, the guard tried to catch his breath, holding his face in his hands, eventually, his breathing steadied, and he just sat there, taking a few deep breaths. Thankfully, there was only a small handful of guards left, and his nightmare hadn't disturbed any of them. After a while, the Guard felt calm again but was in no way capable of going back to sleep, so he got up and spoke with a deep English accent.

The Guard: "Well shit. I'm not sleeping tonight. Might as well sign up for Partol, c." 

The guard headed over to his locker to get his uniform on, looking in the locker-door mirror, he examined himself. The guard was a young, muscular, Caucasian male, most likely in his late 20s, about 6f3, with sharp (E/C) eyes, a (H/C) crewcut, and a (B/C) goatee, the Guard got his uniform, closed his locker, and headed for the showers, after using the showers and getting dressed, he headed out a grab a firearm, the nametag reading "Lt.(Fi) (L/N)" 


Once he had his firearm and had registered for patrol, (F/N) headed over to the prison cells, or more specifically one cell in particular. Inside Black Iron Prison, having friends isn't really the first thing on everybody's minds, but it does help if you get into a fight, but not against the guards though, that's another story entirely, and it doesn't help that a majority of the guards are assholes, (F/N) was different though, unlike his co-workers, he took the prisoners health into consideration, he wasn't friendly with every prisoner, but he did have a few friends here and there, not that it mattered, with Cptn.Ferris constantly down his throat about how he treats the prisoners, but as far as Ferris is concerned, he could go fu-(F/N)'s attention was draw by something entering Callisto's orbit, it looked like a ship, and it had just crashed into Callisto! 


Whirling around, (F/N) was met with his superior, Cptn.Leon Ferris, with 2 security bots. Quickly (Y/N) stood at attention, despite really not liking Ferris, he still had to  show him respect.

(F/N):"Cptn.Ferris, sir." 

When Ferris gave him a small "At ease", (F/N) relaxed, but only a little, you can never let your guard down around Ferris, who begane relaying his orders to (F/N). 

Cptn.Ferris:  "I've been ordered to investigate that crashed ship. I trust you'll keep thing steady on this end?"

(F/N): "Yes sir." 

With a nod, Ferris and the securtiy bots left to do their job, leaving (F/N) behind, and for some reason, (F/N) couldn't help but have a bad feeling. 


Cargo is finished, and I'll work on outbreak as soon as possible, until then, peace out dudes.

The Callisto Protocol Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now