Chapter 8: Tower

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This is it. The final chapter. This chapter will be a fair bit shorter than the last one, since this chapter in the game is only about an hour long, depending on how you do in the boss fight. Don't forget to let me know what you think. Enjoy. 


A faint buzzing sound pulled (F/N) from his slumber, opening his eyes to the cold, hard floor of Black Iron Prison. With a groan, he pushed himself up, he was sore all over, but thankfully he could see and hear fine. Looking around with curiosity, a voice broke him from his confusion. 

Dr.Mahler: "Hello? Luitenent? Luitenent (L/N)!? Can you hear me!?" 

(F/N): "Mahler?" 

Dr.Mahler: "Oh thank god. Listen, there isn't much time. Dani's on the verge of turning, and I've figured out how to get the cure, but I need you and your friends need your help." 

(F/N): "What!? Where are they!?" 

Dr.Mahler: "I've sent Jacob and Mr.Porter to my lab. They should get here soon, but I need you to go a different way, You should be able to meet up with them soon after they leave. Here. I've sent you the location through your CORE. Hurry!" 

Without missing a beat, (F/N) headed off, eager to meet up with his friends and stop this madness. Along the way, Mahler filled him in on what he missed and didn't know. Subject Zero, Cole's Protocol, the meaning of the outbreak in Arcas, Europa, and Black Iron, as well as the cult that Cole was a part of, which was called The Kallipolis, and their goals for furthering human evolution. Apparently, Mahler had hacked the robots holding himself, Dani, and Elias, but he was attacked by Biophage, strangely enough, the monsters left him alone. 

(F/N): "Why would they just ignore me?" 

Dr.Mahler: "I have a theory about that: I think you're turning into an Alpha, like Subject Zero, but stronger, perhaps something different entirely, but I can't be certain." 

Moving onwards, deeper into Black Iron, (F/N) encountered no resistance from the Biophage, he had to scrap the odd Security bot here and there, but there was no sign of the mutating freaks anywhere. Shortly after a while, Mahler contacted him again, he was close to Jacob, Dani,  and Elias, whom Mahler had just sent to get the antidote from Cole's Alpha: Ferris. 

Running up a flight of stairs, (F/N) had finally made it to Cole's meeting room, and saw Jacob was already here, about to face Ferris, with the cult watching closely. 

(F/N): "FERRIS!" 

(F/N)'s shout reverberated throughout the room, drawing the attention of everyone present, and a hologram of Cole appeared, and he was smiling. 

Cole: "Behold, my friends. This is the one I've told you about: The Unforeseen Factor! He-" 

(F/N): "Oh shut the fuck up already!"

Using the stunned silence and (F/N)'s sudden arrival to his advantage, Jacob swung his baton at Ferris's head, stunning the brute. (F/N) followed suit, running forward and launching himself off the console in the center of the room, dropkicking Ferris in the chest, bringing him to a knee. Recovering quickly, (F/N) rolled backward onto his feet, and ran towards Ferris, driving his right knee into the former captain's forehead, Jacob followed up by swinging his baton into the back of Ferris's head, and the impact sent Ferris onto his hands and knees, and (F/N) bolted towards his enemy, placing his boot on the back of Ferris's head and curb-stomped him, denting the metal flooring. Jacob and (F/N) took a moment to catch their breath, only for Ferris to bolt upwards and grip the two by their throats. He then hoisted the pair up above his head and choke-slammed them both,  he then Kicked (F/N) away to the side, sending him into the doorframe, and placed his boot on Jacob's chest. 

Ferris: "No more tricks! No escape this time! I've beaten YOU, I've beaten EVERYONE! I'm the Alpha. I told you-" 

Before Ferris could finish his monologue, something started happening, Ferris was straining as if he was in pain. Suddenly his body expanded, and bladed appendages erupted from his body, and he grew taller and bulkier. The now mutated Ferris looked down at Jacob and spoke in a distorted and raspy voice. 

Ferris: "There's always...a pay-"

Before Ferris could carry on, Jacob shot him in the face, causing Ferris to take his foot off of Jaxob's chest, Jacob got up and started firing at Ferris, unloading as much ammo as he could into the mutated behemoth, while to the side, (F/N)'s fingers twitched. 

Unfortunately for Jacob, he soon ran out of ammo, and Ferris picked him up by the throat, ready to crush his head and neck. But before Ferris could pulverize Jacob, a Two-Head appeared out of nowhere and yanked Ferris away from Jacob, who landed on the floor with a thud. Dazed and confused, Jacob saw Ferris and the Two-Head fighting, and a wail drew Jacobs's attention, all around him, the many types of  Biophage emerged from doorways and vents, from Grunts to Spider-Runners, even the Blind, and Big-Mouths, all heading for the same target: Ferris. 

The horde swarmed the captain, slashing, biting, and clawing at the lumbering giant. Movement to  Jacob's left drew his gaze in that direction, and he was shocked. (F/N) stood upright, glaring at Ferris. Fists and teeth clenched together, and feral growling escaping his throat, as if mentally commanding the Biophage, like an Emporer commanding his empire. A series of thudding footsteps caused Jacob to look behind him, and a second Two-Head ran into the room, carrying a least two dozen Combustors, heading straight for Ferris. In a fleshy blur, the second Two-Head collided with Ferris, blowing up every single Biophage, and killing Ferris who fell to the floor, dead. 

An exhausted (F/N) and shocked Jacob made their way over to Ferris, where Jacob extracted the essence needed to cure Dani, then Cole showed up and tried to convince Jacob to give him the serum, only for Dani and Elias to appear, Dani tried shooting Cole, but the shoots just went through his hologram. After trying to persuade Jacob again, Jacob defied Cole and injected Dani with the cure, in retaliation, Cole sent Black Iron to self-destruct. With what little time they had left, the team ran for the escape pods, but there were only two left. Sharing a look with each other, Jacob and (F/N) nodded, (F/N) punched  Elias in the face, knocking him out, and putting him on one of the pods, while Jacob threw Dani in the other. Despite her protests to the two of them staying, Jacob and (F/N) launched the pods and turned to face the oncoming horde of Biophage. It was easy at first with the monsters ignoring (F/N), (F/N) took a few fatal hits for Jacob, but in the end, they managed to kill them all, Mahler then appeared, saying she had another way out, but she needed their help, but before she could explain, a de-transformed Ferris appeared, roaring at the two. (F/N)'s vision goes dark.

The Real World, England 

(F/N) awoke with a start, breathing heavily, sweating profusely. Wiping his brow, (F/N) checked his clock, it read 17:45pm, and he was passed out for an hour. He decided he needed to get something to drink, but as (F/N) got off his bed, he stood on something cold, hard, and metallic, looking down he was shocked and picked up the item. It was a stun baton. Gently running his hands over the tool and turning it over, (F/N) accidentally hit the activate button, and the blade slid up, electricity dancing up the blade. Despite the fact it was the real deal, (F/N) couldn't help but smile, he had played the Final Transmission DLC, so he knew what would happen to Jacob, and even with that in mind, (F/N) couldn't help but smile, even if it wasn't a dream, to actually be their, somehow, it felt...right. 

Turning his new weapon off, (F/N) placed it on his cabinet, and went to get a drink, as he left the room, his TV flickered with the 'The Callisto Protocol' logo, and went dark. 


And at last, the story is over. Man, this took longer than I thought it would. I sincerely thank you all for reading this, and I admit I did kind of rush this book in some areas. But hopefully, any future books will be better. As of now, I do not have any new books planned, but when I do I will leave an announcement. anywho, once again thank you for reading. Let me know what you thought of it. Peace out.

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