Chapter 7: Colony

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Hi everyone. I hope you enjoyed the last chapter. From here the story will slightly meld back into the canon, however, this chapter and chapter 8 might be a bit short, but I will try to make sure they aren't super short, and again, I'm anxious to hear your thoughts on how the story did, constructive criticism is welcome and wanted. (Unless you are going to be a d**k about it) Enjoy the chapter.


The faint howls of the wind filled the air, accompanied by the dripping of blood. (F/N)'s vision slowly returned to him, blurry and fuzzy, as he was greeted by the dimly lit cave, the echoes of droplets sung to him. Using what was left of his strength, (F/N) pushed himself up, raising to his feet, albeit groggily and unsteady. As he tried to get his barrings, the sound of rapid footsteps cut through the cavern. Whirling around, (F/N) tried desperately to find the source, but he only made himself more dizzy, and he fell, but someone caught him. 

Elias: "You need some help there, mate?" 

Looking up, (F/N) could faintly make out the face of Elias, his vision was slowly clearing up. (F/N) tried to speak, but all that came out was a raspy gasp. A frown made its way to Elias's face as he helped (F/N) steady himself. 

Elias: "Sounds like your throat is a little dry. We need to find you some water. Come on, theirs an old settlement this way." 

Elias led his semi-disorientated partner through to the 'Settlement' he mentioned, with a mute, still-dizzy, and confused (F/N) following, trying not to fall over, as they headed further into the cavern. Stepping over rocks and rubble, Elias and (F/N) made their way through the cave system, thankfully they didn't encounter any Biophage on their way. After a few more minutes of walking, Elias and (F/N) finally made it to the 'Settlement'.  

Elias: {Gestures to the settlement} "Welcome to Arcas, mate." 

(F/N)'s vision finally cleared up as he looked over the old station, it was both amazing and horrifying at the same time. It was old, crumbling, and dilapidated, yet somehow it was still intact, for the most part.

Elias: {Pats (F/N)'s shoulder gently} "C'mon. We've gotta find Jacob and Dani."

While Elias walked off to find the rest of the team, (F/N) stayed where he was, clutching his infected shoulder and looking at the ground. Elias, noticing he was alone, looked back and saw (F/N) had not moved an inch. With a sigh, Elias jogged back to his friend. 

Elias: "Hey man, what the matter? C'mon, let's..."{Notices (F/N) is holding his shoulder and signs}"Listen, It doesn't matter, ok. You've had mine and Jacob's back from the start, hell you even shot your boss to protect Jacob. Look, Jacob and Me, we spoke to Dani, you'll be fine, ok?" {Place a hand on (F/N) uninfected shoulder}

Feeling reassured by his friends' words, (F/N) took a deep breath and nodded, ready to press on, which brought a smile to Elias's face, and the two carried on to meet up with Jacob and Dani. Along the way, Elias filled (F/N) in on what had happened after the hangar collapsed. He, Jacob, and Dani had landed in an old mining colony called Arcas, and Black Iron was built on top of it and all three of them had been split up after parts of the colony collapsed. During that time, Elias managed to salvage a few COREs and found out there was an outbreak in Arcas, and the UJC had 'Sterilized' the colony, except in this case, 'Sterilze' meant 'Execute'.

Along the way, Elias managed to find an unopened bottle of water for (F/N)'s throat, which did help, though he couldn't speak, it was less painful. The two pressed further into Arcas, they had to meet Jacob and Dani at the top of the light tower. Along the way, a barrage of gunshot sounds echoed through the cavern, reverberating off the walls, and startling Elias and (F/N). The duo shared a look and sprinted off in the direction of the noise. 

They ran into a few Biophages, some Grunts, The Blind, and a few Big-Mouths here and there, but they managed to push through the small hordes, and when they reached the top of the tower, they were shocked to find a huge Biophage corpse, with one of its arms ripped off, and a bunch of long-dead colonists. 

Elias: "What the hell? What the fuck is this thing? What..." 

(F/N): "I've seen this thing." {Elias looks at him, confused} "Before you found me, I...I turned." {Elias looks at (F/N), slightly horrified) "But I was different. I...I wanted to kill them. The Biophage. I wanted to slaughter them. I wanted to fight them." {(F/N) looks down in shame, while Elias is concerned for his friend} "I found one of these...things...and I fought it, but the power came on, and it just walked away, then  I fell down a hole, turned back, then you found me." 

Elias: {Places a hand on (F/N)'s uninfected shoulder again} "Listen: I.Trust.You. No matter what, I've got your back, and I'm sure Jacob and Dani will too. And if you do turn again, and you become one of those...fucking things...then I promise: It'll be quick."

(F/N): {Takes Elias's hand off his shoulder and grasps it} "Thank you." 

(F/N) lets go of Elias's hand, and Elias pates (F/N) on the back, and the two carry on to find their missing friends. After about 30 minutes of walking, the sound of grunting reached Elias and (F/N). Concerned the two ran forward, only to be greeted by the sight of Jacob battling what looked like a semi-mutated Ferris, while Dani was trying to open a door behind them. Without any hesitation whatsoever, Elias and (F/N)  jumped down from their ledge and shot at Ferris. The bullets did nothing to him, but they did draw his attention away from Jacob. 

Ferris: "Well, well, well, look who we got here. The other inmate, and my former Luitenent. Hey, you two, how ya been?"

They didn't respond and kept their guns trained on Ferris. Dani told them she had opened the door, and the four of them rushed out with Ferris right behind them, but just as he was about to catch them Jacob destroyed the console, which shut the door, and Ferris slammed his fist against the door, facing Jacob, Elias and (F/N), but then looked behind them. 

Ferris: "Oh no. Looks like you're too late again."

Turning around, the three were horrified to see a Parasite and latched onto Dani's face, infecting her. Jacob bolted towards her, and ripped the alien leech off her face, while Elias and (F/N) opened the door. 

Ferris: "She was just trying to help you, but soon, she 'll be one of us, just like the Luitenent." 

(F/N) stopped and looked at Ferris, who was smirking at him from behind the door. Without another word, (F/N)  flipped him the bird and ran to meet up with his team, however when he did, he stumbled over again, his vision going blurry and his ears ringing once more. Elias hoisted him up and carried him over to Jacob and Dani. (F/N) senses were going haywire, he couldn't tell where he was or what was going on. Something heavy collided with the side of his face, knocking him out.


Chapter seven is done. Only one more left before this book is officially complete. I'll try to get  it done as soon as possible, until then, Peace out.

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