Chapter 4: Habitat

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A/N: Imma be honest, this chapter was kinda dull, not bad exactly, but the most interesting bit about it was the Spider-Runners/Curruptors bit when you have to drain the vat, and I officially hate the drain sequence, also this will be a shorter chapter, cause as I said, kinda dull chapter, also, I forgot to mention a couple of things. 1), this is an experimental book for me to try new writing styles for the future, so like I said, the writing style will be changed, so be sure to let me know what you thought. and 2) (F/N)'s weapon is the UJC Special Ops "Assult Rifle", just to clarify, and finally, I will start diverging more from the canon, because I have a few ideas in mind for this book. For this chapter, all speech will be bold, and if any character other than (F/N) speaks, their name will be by the sentence. Enjoy the chapter.


The steam pipes hissed as Jacob and (F/N) passed by, heading deeper into the underground facility, searching for Elias's recordings he left, that they could access, thanks to the software Elias uploaded to Jacob's CORE. They were not looking forward to this, this place was called: "Waste Processing", so the name was a dead giveaway for what was to come. As they descended ladders and stairs, searching for Elias's recordings, they came across one of Elias explaining the basics of his plan, they had to follow the red pipe all the way to Waste Processing, looking for a mainline leading to tank 6, no words were exchanged between the two, they both knew this was going to be hell. The two wiggled through the vents until they reached the end, and dropped down into the 'sludge', as it clung to their uniforms and the putrid smell hovered over them. 

"Oh shit." (F/N)'s displeasure was very apparent, and Jacob couldn't agree more. Jacob: "You said it, buddy." The duo trudged their way through the disgusting slime, trying not to gag, a Grunt appeared from the vile liquid, roaring at the prisoner-guard-combo, only to be quickly dispatched, who looked a little disgusted that the creature was waiting in the sludge. After a quick valve turn to clear the way, the two were back on track, but along the way, they heard a noise, it sounded like someone calling for help, crawling through another vent, this time with (F/N) in the lead, they saw a guard, laying on his back, pleading for help, as they got closer, something materialized out of thin air, and yanked the guard upwards, a second later gallons of blood spilled onto the floor below, if caution wasn't warranted before, it definitely was now. 

Jacob: "What the hell was that?". It wasn't like anything they had seen before. "No clue, but if these things are changing, we're fucked if they catch us off-guard. We need to stay alert." They crawled out of the vent, unfortunately, they had to crawl through the poor bastard's blood, so now their uniforms had red on them, which didn't help the smell. Jacob: "You can say that again." 

Pressing on, Jacob and (F/N) squeezed through another vent and found another of Elias's recordings, but unfortunately, the way was blocked, so they split up to search for another past. While Jacob was looking around the door, (F/N) decided to search some of the upper levels, and after dispatching some Grunts and climbing a couple of ladders, he came across a recording, by Dr.Mahler, and what she called "Curroupters", a "Biophage" capable of "Adapting to the environment, or adapting the environment to itself", either way, it was a problem. 

They eventually found a vent leading past the sealed door, the vent lead to another part of the facility, a door on the other side was their way out, but it was locked, near the door, a vent burst open, but nothing came out, though (F/N) could have sworn he smelled something rancid. Spotting two gate fuses, the duo shared a knowing look and nodded, each of them heading for a fuse, and a gate switch, one at each end of the room, however, as Jacob neared his switch, something attacked him, like before, it materialized out of nowhere, revealing a hideous creature, with a bulbous right cheek, and two other faces of its left cheek and chin, it prepared to bite down on Jacob's face, until a boot hit it hard in the head, disorientating the creature long enough for Jacob and (F/N) to pump it full of bullets. The two took a moment to catch their breath. Jacob: "What the fuck was that thing?! It just appeared out of nowhere!". Jacob was visibly upset, while (F/N) had a calm face on, but he wasn't unnerved. "Remember that recording I found back there, by the door?" (F/N)  asked his accomplice, who nodded in return. "I'm gonna take a stab and assume that was a "Curroupter", but Imma just call 'em Spider-Runners." Jacob looked at (F/N) confused. Jacob: "Uh, why Spider-Runners?" The guard looked back at Jacob, a cheeky smile on his face. "Cause they look like four-legged spiders, and they run really fast." Jacob let out a small chuckle, as he got to his feet. "Alright, Mr.Comedy. Let's just get the hell out of here." A couple of Grunts and a Big Mouth burst through some of the vents, charging the two, who reloaded their weapons. "Amen to that." 

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