Chapter 3: Aftermath

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Fair warning before this chapter starts, the Outbreak chapter of The Callisto Protocol was only about 30 minutes, and I managed to turn it into over 3000 words, so, to save a bit of time, I will be changing my writing style over the course of this book, an example for this chapter is when someone is talking, their name will be bold and highlighted like [this], also this chapter is where we break away from Jacob's side of the story, and (F/N) goes out on his own or a bit. Enjoy


The automatic door slid closed behind (F/N) and Jacob as they pressed on to meet Elias, traversing the dark and broken hallway, along the way a recording of Warden Cole played, but the two ignored it and descended a u-turn stairway, finding a broken security unit. After a quick survey of the room, and finding nothing of value, they pressed on, a Grunt jumped out of nowhere to attack the two, but was quickly dispatched by a couple of bullets and a well-aimed swing of a stun baton. Moving on, they entered what looked to be an inmate registration area,(Full disclosure, I have no idea what this area is, it looks like a registration area to me, if it isn't,  meh), And the duo quickly found a set of shelves they could squeeze by, however, once they did, a horde of Grunts appeared at the end of the hallway, thankfully, they had found Elias again. [Elias: "Jacob, (F/N), come on man, move your asses. Run!] The two managed to get to Elias's saferoom, barley. 

Elias used a hammer to smash a console which closed the door behind them, however, a Grunt got between the door, so Elias smacked it with the hammer, taking its head off, and pushing it away from the door, which closed with a thud. Jacob and (F/N) sat and lay on the floor, respectively, catching their breath. Elias helped Jacob up. [Jacob: "Oh shit...think that will hold 'em?"]. [Elias: "Fucking hope so."], [Jacob: "What the hell are those things?"], while Jacob and Elias caught stood up, (F/N) answered from the floor. [(F/N): "Grunts."] Both Jacob and Elias let out a confused ["Huh"] and looked at the exhausted guard, who pulled the data pad he got from the Infirmary and held it out to the two prisoners, which Jacob took. [(F/N): "Found that in the Infirmary, sorry I forgot to mention it, I got really distracted."] [Elias: "Ah, don't worry about it mate, this kind of shitshow will distract anyone."Jacob read through the file, finding (F/N)'s words to be true, they were called Grunts, but that didn't make him feel better, Elias also leaned over Jacob's shoulder to read the parchment. (F/N) finally rose to his feet, ready to move on when Jacob gave him the datapad back, and the trio got ready to move on. [Elias: "Well that's one mystery solved, now come on. We gotta get out of here."] [Jacob: "You said something about a plan?"] [Elias: "Yeah{Starins}This way"] Jacob and (F/N) followed Elias through a gap in the door, where Elias disassembled a gun and gave it to Jacob to use at the Reforge, to get the Handannon.

 Afterward, Elias debriefed the two of his plan: break a prisoner out of the SHU, have them hack a shuttle that they could board, and Jacob flies them out, a good plan, but there is one problem. [(F/N): "How are you gonna access the SHUs' security clearance network?"] Both Elias and Jacob once again looked at (F/N) confused, so he explained [(F/N): "The SHU got a bit of an update last week. High-tech, non-lethal laser grid, scans your entire body as you enter, your skin cells, your hairline, hell even the way you breathe.] [Elias:  "Shit, getting into the SHU has hard enough before, now this?"] Thankfully, (F/N) was one step ahead. [(F/N): "Hey, cheer up, the good news is: there are select guards who have the clearance to bypass the new security, the bad news is: we need their id tags, one of the eyes, and their hand. we've just gotta find one with all those."] Elias searched for the select guard, out of all of them, only one came up. [Elias: "Found one, still intact too...just one problem."] Elias showed (F/N) the screen, showing the location of the SHU specialist, and it wasn't a good place to be. [(F/N): [Sighs]"The execution sector."] Jacob just looked confused [Jacob: "Execution sector?"] Elias turned to Jacob and explained it all, the execution sector was for when Black Iron got a transfer with a death sentence, so they could be killed off right away. It was barbaric, but the Warden didn't care.

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