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-Chapter Two-

A Glass of Whiskey Please

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A loud booming sound echoed through the halls of the eerily quiet mansion, the moonlight shining against its vast dark halls. The booming got louder. And louder. AND LOUDER. Until silence. A soft ringing replaced the silence soon after, coming from the basement. The tall figure threw the door open and stepped into the lit room. Choi San ran a hand through his raven hair with a huff.

"What the fuck is that noise?"

"Your little guest wouldn't open up." a shorter male with red hair emerged from the darkness of the room. The omega wiped his hands on his jeans, a dark red colour smudging onto the fabric and blending into the coloured paint splatters that decorated it.

The alpha stepped into the darkness of the room, approaching the trembling man on the floor behind a wall of metal bars. His gaze was dark, evil almost as he crouched onto the floor in front of the scrawny man. His large hand grabbed at the man's long hair, his hands immediately staining red at the contact.

"Tell me everything you know. Who do you work for?" The trembling man on the floor, an omega with fear in his wide eyes, whimpered as San's fingers tightened in his hair. Blood-red stains marked the ivory strands where San's grip had tightened, a stark contrast that mirrored the darkness of the room.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," the omega stammered, his voice quivering with terror. "I swear, I don't know anything."

San's eyes bore into the omega's, a predatory glint shining in his amber gaze. "You expect me to believe that?" His voice was a dangerous whisper, the threat hanging heavy in the air.

A knock came from the door and the alpha whipped his head to see Jongho leaning against the wall, his arms crossed as he observed the scene with a disinterested expression. He had seen this side of his brother many times before, and it never ceased to send shivers down his spine.

The omega's trembling intensified as he felt the alpha's powerful aura pressing down on him. He had heard stories about Choi San, the ruthless alpha who ruled the underground world with an iron fist. He knew the consequences of crossing someone like him, and it was a fate he desperately wanted to avoid.

"I-I swear, I'm just a courier," the omega finally admitted, tears welling up in his eyes. "I don't know who hired me. They just paid me to deliver a message."

San's grip on the omega's hair loosened slightly, but his eyes remained locked onto the trembling figure. "A message? What kind of message?"

The omega swallowed hard, his fear palpable in the dimly lit room. "I-I don't know the details. They just told me to deliver an envelope to a certain address. That's all I know, I swear."

San's fingers released their hold on the omega's hair, and he rose to his feet, his expression unreadable. He turned away from the frightened omega, his thoughts deep in contemplation. This was just another piece of the puzzle, another thread to unravel in the complex web of his world.

"Do what you need to hyung." San turned to the short redhead who was still waiting in the darkness, wiping his red stained hands on his jeans. The male only nodded in acknowledgement. He knew better than to press San further when his mind was in such a state of contemplation.

As San strode out of the dimly lit room, Jongho followed closely behind. The heavy metal door closed with an ominous thud, sealing away the secrets that lingered within. The mansion's vast halls once again returned to an eerie silence, disturbed only by the distant hum of the city beyond its walls.


San crumpled the letter in his hands, its words like venom in his mind. The message was clear: someone had dared to encroach upon his territory, his carefully constructed empire. He stuffed the crumpled paper in his pocket as he picked up the glass set in front of him and tossed back the caramel coloured drink.

The burn of the whiskey provided a momentary distraction from the troubling message. San's thoughts churned with a mix of anger and determination. Whoever this rival was, they had underestimated him. His territory, his power, and now, his connection to Wooyoung. Wooyoung. He had to talk to Wooyoung soon.

Jongho watched his older brother closely, concern etched across his face. He knew better than to interrupt San in moments like these. Instead, he waited for San to collect his thoughts. Suddenly, a hand clapped the alpha on the shoulder.

"Having drinks without us?" a tall, raven haired alpha pulled out the stool next to San, a smile as bright as the evening sun that set behind the city landscape outside. Close behind him, the short red-haired male that greeted San in his basement not too long ago- only now, clean of any red that had stained his hands and clothes. San looked up, his expression still heavy with the weight of the message he had received. "Seonghwa, Hongjoong," he greeted, his voice tinged with a hint of weariness.

San laughed, throwing his head back at something Jongho had said. The energy in the bar was light and fun. But San couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something was amiss. It gnawed at the back of his mind like an itch he couldn't scratch. He took another sip of his drink, the taste bittersweet against his tongue.

"San, you seem a bit distant," Seonghwa noted, his keen eyes picking up on the alpha's unease. "Is something bothering you?"

San glanced at his friend, debating whether to share his concerns. After a moment of hesitation, he decided to confide in them. "You remember that note I received today, right?"

Seonghwa and Hongjoong exchanged a knowing look. It was impossible for them to forget the ominous message that had arrived earlier, disrupting their evening. "Of course," Hongjoong replied, his voice low and serious. "What about it?"

San leaned in closer, his gaze intense. "It's bothering me. The whole thing feels too... convenient. Why would someone send a courier to deliver a threat directly to my doorstep? It's as if they want me to know."

Jongho, who had been listening intently, chimed in. "You think it might be a trap?"

San nodded, his expression grave. "Exactly. It could be a distraction, or worse, a setup. I need to find out who's behind this and why they're targeting us."

Seonghwa leaned back in his chair, a contemplative look on his face. "We should investigate discreetly, gather information without drawing too much attention."

Hongjoong agreed. "And keep an eye on any unusual activities within our territory. If someone's making a move, we need to be prepared."

San pivoted towards Jongho, his piercing gaze locked onto his younger brother. "Jongho, I trust that Wooyoung remains unharmed, without any hint of suspicion encircling him?"

Jongho nodded, his face a mask of assurance. "Yes, hyung. Wooyoung doesn't suspect a thing, and he's going about his routine as usual. I'm keeping a close eye on him, just as you instructed."

San sighed with relief. The safety of Wooyoung, the omega he had unexpectedly become intertwined with, was a top priority. "Good. Keep it that way. We don't want any harm to come to him because of this."

The conversation then shifted to other matters, but the weight of the mysterious threat still hung over them like a dark cloud. San knew that the path ahead was uncertain, but he was determined to protect not only his empire but also the unexpected bond he was forming with Wooyoung.

Whiskey and Roses | Woosan OMEGAVERSE AUWhere stories live. Discover now