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-Chapter Five-

Shadows of the Past

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

In the spacious living area, they encountered Hongjoong, who was now flipping through a thick stack of papers, presumably filled with details of San's intricate world. His eyes flickered up at Wooyoung's entrance, and a polite smile graced his features.

"Good morning, Wooyoung," The red haired omega greeted, his tone measured but friendly. A soft strawberry scent filled the air and it immediately calmed Wooyoung. "I'm Hongjoong, San's right-hand man behind the scenes, so to speak. If there's anything you need, feel free to ask."

Wooyoung offered a tentative smile, grateful for the warm welcome amid the uncertainty that enveloped him. "Nice to meet you, Hongjoong."

As the morning sunlight streamed through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the room, Mingi entered, a playful grin on his face. "Morning, San. Who's this handsome fella?" he quipped, nudging Hongjoong.

San, not one to waste time with formalities, gestured between Wooyoung and Mingi. "Wooyoung, this is Mingi, our tech genius. Mingi, Wooyoung."

Mingi's eyes widened in genuine surprise, his playful demeanour momentarily replaced by a more serious expression. "So you're Wooyoung, huh? Welcome to the club. We've heard a lot about you"

Before Wooyoung could respond, Yunho rushed in, his usually calm demeanour replaced by an urgency that mirrored the events of the previous night. "San, we need to talk. It's about the letter."

San's eyes narrowed, and he motioned for Yunho to follow him into the study. Wooyoung watched them disappear behind the closed doors, the weight of the situation palpable in the air.

Later in the day, as the mansion settled into a deceptive calm, the occupants each carried their own burdens. Wooyoung, still adjusting to the opulence around him, found himself wandering through the vast corridors. The mansion, though luxurious, seemed to hold secrets within its walls, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that every room whispered untold stories.

The scent of whiskey lingered in the air, a scent that had become all too familiar to the omega. It had been a while since he was surrounded by the scent of an alpha. The thought unsettled him, stirring memories and desires he had long tried to bury. As he rounded a corner, he almost bumped into San, who was lost in his own thoughts.

San looked up, his eyes meeting Wooyoung's, and for a moment, they both seemed to be standing at the edge of something unspoken. Wooyoung's heart skipped a beat, the proximity to an alpha awakening a primal instinct within him. He quickly looked away, trying to compose himself.

"Lost?" San asked, his voice low and soothing, tinged with concern.

Wooyoung nodded, not trusting himself to speak. San studied him for a moment before offering a small smile. "I know the feeling. This place is like a maze sometimes."

Wooyoung managed a weak smile in return, grateful for the distraction. San fell into step beside him, and together they continued down the corridor.

As they walked, San's gaze lingered on Wooyoung, his expression unreadable. "How are you adjusting to life here?" he asked, his voice gentle.

Wooyoung hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "It's... overwhelming," he admitted, finally meeting San's gaze. "I never imagined I'd be in a place like this, surrounded by... all of this." He gestured vaguely at their surroundings, encompassing the mansion's grandeur.

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