Chapter 1

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"So, big day today huh?"

Hanni places her headphone on the dashboard of the car, forcing a smile to her lips. "I guess," She replied.

Soobin taps his fingers on the wheel. "You know you should be more open, kid."

That's when Hanni's smile instantly vanished, her lips drawn into a frown. "What do you mean?"

"Be more open to people. Explore. Have fun, you should let loose. I don't want you to regret anything when you grow up, it's college baby, you're not in high school anymore. You need to connect with people," Soobin glances her way, she avoided his gaze.

"Did Mom relay this message to you?" She asked, clearly offended.

Soobin sighs, "She didn't. Anyway, don't mind what I just said. I'm sorry."

Silence fills the air as Hanni wears her headphones again, wishing her brother won't let another nonsense thing to slip off his mouth.

As soon as they reached the parking lot of their uni, Hanni discreetly fixed her things, she opened the door and before she could go on with her day, she looked back to her brother

"I won't regret anything, Soob." She sighed, clicking her tounge, "I'm going on my own pace... tell mom to trust me."

Soobin's mouth parted at her statement, then he looked away while grinning like a fool. "Okay, young lady. Be careful."

Hanni rolled her eyes when Soobin extended his hand for a fist bump, but she complied anyway. "Be careful on your way to work, tell Dad I miss him and he should come home soon,"

"Got it," Soobin starts the engine of the car as Hanni shut the door and waited til he's out of her line of sight

Hanni breathed deeply, internally wishing for today to be suspended and all the students be permitted to go home. But she knew better.

She always says she's fine on her own, however, she knew it's a lie yet she's afraid to admit it to herself and to everyone.

Hanni started pacing towards her room but in order to do that you have to go through the hallways wherein students are mostly present and a bustling of chatter of flowing friends fills the air.

Class hasn't began and yet she could already feel her energy draining out in real time. Hanni made the time to acknowledge everything around her.

Starting from the lockers, scuffed floors, plaques, student's who can't trash their garbage properly. The smell of deodorant, sweat and perfume mixed together. She hated everything about it.

Most especially the shoes squeaking on the floor, the echoes, the talking and laughing of students, doors slamming, clinking of locks being opened, teachers ordering kids to settle down, disperse or get to class.

And when she couldn't take it anymore, she puts on her headphones and maxed the volume as if to shut the world out. She hated everything about this place, and it's frustrating her how she can't do anything but to just sigh and breathe her frustrations out.

In the middle of doing that Hanni didn't notice a figure with its back facing her way.

She stumbled upon a body as hard as a stone she almost lose her balance. Mind you, the person was sweaty too so it got her pissed.

"What the hell?"

She realized something's wrong when she noticed everyone staring at her from her peripheral vision.

If you list the things Hanni hated the most, the first place would be setting attention to herself.

The boy smiled sweetly at her, gesturing Hanni to take off her headphones which she did instantly.

The boy was wearing a red varsity jacket and a ball on his left hand.

"You alright? Did I bump into you?"

His eyes were sparkling and Hanni thought how could a person look so innocent and pure like they haven't suffered for the years they've been on earth.

"I wasn't looking, excuse me." She retorted in a cold manner.

The boy lets him passed through, still wearing a fond smile. His attention only left Hanni when another pair of arms landed on his shoulders.

Hanni thought he's weird because if she met someone who bumped into her she wouldn't spare a glance on that person and would just continue with whatever she's doing.

This is Hanni's second week in this uni, the reason for her transferee is something personal she feels she couldn't share to anyone. It's the reason why she's no longer interested on getting to know another person.

She's been betrayed way too many times, her trust for humanity perished.

When she arrived at a vacant room she made sure to double check her schedule.

"Too early." She whispers to herself.

She sat on the end of the class near the window to make sure no one would sit next to her simce she left the first few rows untouched.

Hanni rummaged through her bag and grabbed the book she was reading.

A little life

She opened the page where she left off. It hasn't even been five minutes yet and somehow, someone already sat beside her.

Hanni was taken aback. And yet, the girl didn't bother to look her way hence she shrugge it off.

The room slowly begins to be filled with her blockmates and yet again her seatmate never bothered to say a word nor pay attention to her surroundings.

When their professor arrived the two of them simultaenously sets down their book to the side.

So, she's aware of her surroundings huh?

"How was it so far?"

Hanni's forehead knots in confusion, "Huh?"

"A little life. How was it so far?" The girl asked without looking.

Hanni tilts her head to the side, "It's... fine."

"Hmm," The girl rests her chin on her hand, "You're still on the early chapters."

Hanni didn't reply as she bits her tounge. She thought the girl would initiate another topic but she didn't.

Until the classes ends, the girl never glanced nor talked to her again.

It didn't bother Hanni but she wasn't fine with it either.

The bell rings and her seatmate was the first to stand and rush out. Hanni simply watched.

She fixed her things when she noticed the book below the table, the girl left it.

Hanni grabs it, eyes glazing through the book. "The Book Thief?"

She raises her head, waiting if the girl would notice she left something behind or not.

Hanni shrugged her shoulders, she puts the book back and pushed it to the edge so others won't see it and steal but she figured nobody would ever sit at the far back of the class; except her and that girl she didn't bother and won't ever ask the name for

slowburn burns | bbangsaz auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora