Chapter 4

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"Kim, do you not get tired of making new friends everyday? Because I'm sick of it," Karina releases an exasperated sigh as she open the door of Minji's jaguar

"You guys told me to make friends in college, I only obliged." She responds with a shrug making Karina roll her eyes to the back of her head

"We didn't mean make friends to everyone you lay your eyes on!" She faced Minji who's busy starting the engine of her car, "You do know everyone's pestering us just to get your number, it's draining the shit out of me, Kim!"

"Cool, maybe it's time you find yourself a boyfriend by that," Minji says in a nonchalant manner

Karina's lips formed into a thin line as she crosses her arms, bringing it closer to her chest.

Minji glances her way, "Did I say something wrong?"

Karina chuckled bitterly, "Nah, just thinking about stuff."

"What stuff?"

"I'll tell you when I get the courage," Karina forced a smile, eyes gazing out the window of the car. Watching the streetlights as she succumbed into her deep thoughts

"Kim," She calls, "Have you ever fallen in love?"

Minji chuckles softly, "We're talking about this?"

"What?" Karina gasps in realization, "You haven't felt anything? In your 19 years of existence? Nothing?"

"Why is that shocking?" Minji scowled

Karina laughed, "Oh god! Do you even know your nickname in our uni made by the students there?"

Minji's mouth fell open, "I.. have a nickname made by the students? Should I be worried?"

Karina shakes her head, stifling a laugh, "Nah, you shouldn't be worried by it."

"What's my nickname?" Minji's curiousity prevails, and Karina fisted her knuckles in victory

"Rogue Kim is what they call you,"

Minji smirked, "Can I say that's harsh? Why did they gave me that name?"

Karina covers her mouth, wheezing, "They said you behave badly, it's bad for their heart but they can't seem to hate you,"

"Oh," Minji's eyes never left the road, "That's so.. corny,"

Karina almost bang her head on the dashboard, "Your reactions are so beguile,"

"Probably why you guys love to tease me," Minji sulked

Karina giggled in response, "By the way, have you talked to Wonyo or Dani these days?"

Minji shook her head, "Not yet, I heard they're busy preparing and signing contracts, you know how it is in the entertainment industry,"

Karina bites her lip, wondering if she should ask what's been bothering her for some time now. Minji seemed to spot her edginess.

"Spill it, Rina."

The girl shuts her eyes, "Jeez, how do you even do that?"

"Do what?"

"It's like you can read everybody,"

Minji scoffs, "Whatever, what's been bothering you?"

Karina heave a deep sigh, "Well, how's Haerin?"

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