Chapter 5

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"What's with the long face?"

Hanni raised a brow at the last person who entered the room, "Mind your own business,"

"Okay," Minji says as she gets herself comfortable

There was a sudden defeaning silence, and Hanni was contemplating if she should ask what's been bothering her.

It took one glance from Minji for her to release to open that topic.

"Are the students really religious here?" She started

Minji tilts her head to the side, "Some yes, some used to be but they couldn't handle it and left that side of the world,"

Hanni nods in understanding, "Hm, are you religious?"

"Can you tell?" Minji narrowed her orbs at the girl

Hanni refused to look away, "Are you one of those people?"

Minji's forehead wrinkled, "What do you mean?"

"Those worshipper who thinks it's wrong for a man to love another man, and for a woman to love another woman. You know, they detest..." She paused

"Someone who loves the same sex," There was uncertainty in Hanni's tone. She didn't know if she articulated it well for the other girl to understand.

Minji screwed her face into a grimace that reminded Hanni of her neighbour's pug, and it also took Minji awhile to reply. Hanni thought she was going to get a sermon.


"No?" She was relieved. She was hesitating earlier if it was alright to ask Minji of all people about it

"No, that's not for me to decide nor does the congregation," Minji curled her lip and stared at the ceiling

"Congre— what?"

Minji crossed her arms, releasing a deep sigh in between, "Why would you care about what they say? I know a handful of students here who struggle to come out because of the toxic belief our society believes in, so, no, I'm not one of those people."

"Oh," Hanni sneered, "Who are they? Can you introduce me?"

Minji, for the first time ever rolled her eyes, "No, stupid. I don't wanna out them."

Hanni was taken aback. "Oh," She laughed genuinely, "Great answer, that's so considerate of you."

"Are you being sarcastic or—"

"What!? No! I mean it," Her eyes bulged so much they looked like billiard balls

Minji blinked rapidly before bringing her attention to her book, "What interests you to open up about this topic?"

Hanni panicked, "Uh, what? Uhm, I just... I have a friend struggling with that because she's surrounded by religious relatives who grew up around it, you know what I mean?"

"Is the friend in the room with us right now?" Minji stated in a solemn manner

Hanni bursts out laughing instead of feeling offended, "Did you just made a joke?"

Minji's ears turned red, "It sounds familiar,"

"Huh?" Hanni played with her fingers

Minji gazes away, "My friend had the same problem too,"

The innocence in Hanni's eyes glazes upon Minji's, "And, how did she overcome it?"

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