Chapter 7

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With eyes at rest in the way of dreams, Hanni hears the quenching rain slowly meeting the ground. She gazes out the window and watched. The raindrops were bigger than prairie hailstones and coming down just as hard. It's almost as if the drops are striking her eardrums.

Hanni likes it, she finds it soothing. She finds comfort in watching the rain pour and the smell of the petrichor that emerges at the cusp of it. It soothes her heart and brings a steadiness to her soul.

"Earth to nameless," 

Hanni flinched, Karina was inches away from meeting her nose. "W-what?" She stammers

"Class has ended, let's go." Karina tilts her head to the side, urging Hanni to stand up and come with them

The girl discreetly packs her things in a rush, almost everyone is out of the room except them. , Hanni recalls they call themselves 'Stynx' , she has no idea why and she didn't concern herself to know. 

When she opened her bag she realized she haven't given the jacket to Haerin yet, hence, she pull it out of her bag and hung it on her shoulder as the others wait outside. She pondered they could be waiting for Karina who was waiting patiently for her to finish packing her stuff.

They went out of the room with Jake and Yujin talking with a pensive look drawing over their face. "They're outside?"

"Yeah. On our benches."

"But it's raining?"


"And they must be drenched in the rain, dumbo!" Yujin smacked Jake on the nape

"Come on, they're not that stupid. We should just go, and find out why they didn't come back earlier." Jake scratches his nape


"What are you guys talking about?" Danielle says in a soft voice, eyes dashing upon the jacket Hanni had on her shoulder.

"Minji texted, said they're outside and waiting for us."

"Cool, did they say something else?"

"Nah, you know how lazy Minji is when it comes to texting,"

"Shall we go?"

"Do you guys happen to have an umbrella?"


"Okay, great, I don't want us to get soaked in the rain,"

"Oh, by the way, Haerin," Hanni calls softly, poking the girl on her back

Haerin turns around, and with a bored look she set down the heaphone she's wearing, "Why?"

"Here's the jacket you lend me, I made sure to wash it before giving it back to you, thank you again,"

"Hm," The girl answered, putting back her headphones

Hanni had a quizzical look, she was astounded about the way Haerin just basically do not give a fuck most of the time. 

Their chatters were heard throughout the hallway, everyone was making way for them to walk  on, Hanni felt awkward and she felt like she don't belong here for the reason that she hates the attention she's getting. Soon enough, they were out the suffocating atmosphere of the hallway. The downpour was so heavy that to be caught unawares meant being drenched to the skin. Each drop was as large as a cartoon tear and they fell like gravity had been turned up a notch. 

The rain has become a living fabric, Hanni reached her hand out of the shade and let the droplets play in her palm. It reminds her of being in a car with the window open, her hand surfing the fast moving air

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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