The "dad" incident / fluff

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Uzi was working on a project in the landing pod, mostly to do with her broken railgun. She was getting quite frustrated because it just wasn't working.

She was sitting on one of the chairs in the landing pod, occasionally spinning it. V was there too, Unfortunately tied up. (This is a few days after the pilot)

She suddenly threw the gun on the floor angrily and crossed her arms.

"Stupid- Stupid-!" She complained angrily.

V laughed in a mocking tone.

N suddenly popped his head in from around the corner, He looked at Uzi and then the gun.

"uh- should i-" He asked awkwardly

"Dont ask!" Uzi replied stubbornly.

N smiled softly and picked up the gun which made V roll her eyes.

she grabbed the gun off him a bit angrily before nodding her head gratefully.

"Can i be untied now? This sappy stuff is getting boring-" V complained.

N shot her a look which V straight up ignored.

"Uzi..Can i help in any way..?" N asked looking to the side.

Uzi glanced at him and sighed.

"Fine, You can sit there. Just pass me things when i need them" Uzi replied going back to her gun.

N quickly sat down happily.

(Like 30 minutes later)

"Okay black and green tube" Uzi said to N, who immediately gave her the "Black and green tube" N didnt know the names of anything she wanted, so she found it easier to describe it.

V groaned annoyed as she leant on her hand.

After a while, Uzi then spoke again. "Uhhhh, the grey cylinder" When she said this, she wasent even paying attention to N. At this point, she was so focused on getting the gun fixed she had forgotten who was around her.

N nodded and gave her the "Grey cylinder" Thing, he smiled as he passed it to her. She never looked at him - just grabbed it when N laid it in her hand.

"Thanks dad" Uzi muttered as she put the cylinder on her gun.

V immediately got up and stared at Uzi along with N.

Uzi slowly looked up confused, "whys everyone staring at me..?"

V laughed, "You just called N dad..? You said thanks dad"

Uzi looked at her. "What- No i didnt, i said "Thanks N" .." Uzi replied confused.

N looked at uzi a bit happy.

"Do you see me as a father figure Uzi?" He asked his tail wagging slightly

Uzi rolled her eyes.  "No! If anything i see you as a "bother figure" since your always bothering me!" Uzi answered.

V suddenly smirked.

"Hey, Show your father some respect." V smiled leaning closer.

N burst out laughing, As per usual.


Yes this the meme for Brooklyn99 and idc (ive never watched it so i hope thats the show 😭)


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