Bothered // Uzi x N smut

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AUTHOURS NOTE: If Uzi gets confirmed as a minor this will be deleted, If any of them rather that.

Praise and degrading btwww

sorry for spelling mistakes im not dyslexic i swear

This is like my first REAL smut so no judging 😭

Uzi quickly shut her bedroom door behind them, she was terrified.

N and her? Yeah sure, They had been a couple for a while but she had never had sex!?

What was she suppost to do?! And vampire diaries didn't exactly help much.

N was so sweet, what if she made an embarrassment of herself and ruined it for hi-

"Uzi, You doing okay?" Uzi snapped back to reality when N hugged her from behind, his arms wrapped around her chest as he pulled her close.

Uzi blinked before answering, "Stressed" she admitted looking at the floor.

N spun her around, kneeling down slightly as he held her chin so she couldn't look away. He was looking directly into her eyes.

"What's going on.." He asked concerned as he caressed her cheek slowly in a comforting manner.

Uzi shrugged fidgeting with the gaps between her fingers. (yes she stims shut up)

N frowned and kissed her cheek gently, "Darling, You cant just say nothing is bothering you okay?"

Uzi shrugged again really unsure whether to tell him, or would that just ruin the vibe? She contemplated as she held her breath.

"Okay" N picked uzi up playfully over his shoulder getting a reaction out of Uzi.

"Let me down!!" she laughed.

"You got two choices! Either i am left no choice but to annoy you or you give me the answer and i shut up!!" he chuckled playfully.

"N!" Uzi couldn't help but laugh as her arms were swinging.

"You know i can do either so dont challenge me!" N lifted head high as he was doing a good job at cheering her up.

"Im not telling you!" Uzi smiled.

N chuckled again as he held her in the same way. "Darling, why do you have to be so difficult? If you tell me.."

"Nu-uh!" Uzi said back earning herself a lovely surprise.

N put her down, but not before he had pinned her down on her bed, he held her wrists above her head. "You ready to tell me whats bothering you?

Uzi shook her head stubbornly.

N chuckles with a slight mutter of "knew it" before he leaned down and kissed her softly.

Uzi stayed silent as a large amount of blush returned. He held her face as he kissed her.

N slowly pulled away and looked at her with a smug look as he leaned more towards her, "Uzi, Are you going to be a good girl for me and tell me what's bothering you?"

His hand slowly trailed down uzis thigh which sent a shiver down her spine. (Just pretend they have thighs PLEASE)

Uzi stayed silent which got a reply from N, "Darling, You aren't gonna say anything?" his finger was slowly trailing up and down her thigh in a teasing way.

Uzi looked at him, an agitated feeling growing in her as he was just teasing her. "

N , if I knew you were just gonna tease I would've just went to someone else." Uzi said in a rather bratty tone, tilting her head slightly.

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