A Good Day

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Trigger Warnings: None, I think?

The brothers have a good day

The Story:

The biggest change was brought about on a seemingly random Thursday, a few months after that night, when Matt was given the all-clear from his doctor at his most recent check-up. 

He was still supposed to take it easy with any exercise and wasn't allowed to lift any heavy objects, but his head-wound, stab-wound and ribs were all officially healed. Hearing the good news, Nick and Chris eased up on their doting and protectiveness, but still lingered in the background when Matt was doing anything they deemed 'risky'. 

They didn't feel comfortable with him driving before this point though, aside to the necessary doctor's appointments, so this was a welcomed change.

To celebrate Matt finally being back to (almost) full health, they decided to go somewhere to celebrate. That's how they ended up where they were right now, in the car, driving towards their favourite golf place. 

Matt was driving, feeling good and a bit excited for the first time in months, he felt as if being officially cleared from the hospital and regular check-ups somehow severed an invisible link to that night and all lingering negative emotions. It felt freeing, like a weight was lifted from his shoulders.

Matt turned on the radio and changed a few channels before settling on one. 

Chris and Nick looked at each other a bit surprised, they didn't want to let themselves get excited to quickly so they wouldn't be disappointed, but they couldn't stop the hope starting to rise inside them (Matt hadn't listened to music once since this all started).

It quickly turned out that their excitement wasn't for nothing, when whatever song was on ended and Whenever, Wherever by Shakira started playing. It wasn't something that they usually listened to, but they all knew and liked it, and it got even better because Matt started humming along with the melody. 

Nick and Chris suddenly couldn't tear their eyes away from him, their hearts beating fast with excitement, eyes becoming a bit moist. And then the chorus came and Matt started singing along with her.

"Can't you see? I'm at your feet", he began normally, "Whenever, wherever, We're meant to be together, I'll be there, and you'll be near, And that's the deal, my dear", he was dancing lightly, singing off-key and getting progressively louder with each verse and it was the best sound Nick and Chris ever heard.

After they recovered from their shock, they looked at each other, grinning so wide it hurt and the next second joined in, all three of them now dancing and scream-singing at the top of their lungs, "There over, hereunder, You'll never have to wonder, We can always play by ear, But that's the deal, my dear, ..... ".

They spent the whole ride over like that; dancing, singing and laughing together. Chris and Nick obviously argued over which song to put next every time, Matt just laughed at how ridiculous they were being and jokingly yelled at them to just pick something, so they settled on their absolute classic and ... it was the most fun they had in ages. 

They all felt young again.

Their good mood continued when they came to the golf place. They played for two hours before they got tired, joking around and laughing the whole time. When they eventually finished, they got back to the car and Matt waited a bit when they sat inside, thinking.

"You guys hungry?", he asked, because he was craving something unhealthy and because he didn't want to go home yet.

"Yeah, I could eat", replied Nick easily.

"Always babe, what did you have in mind?", asked Chris jokingly, while smiling at Matt.

"Hmm... I'd kill for some McDonalds about now...", he trailed off, tying to sound casual but he couldn't contain his grin as he looked back at his brothers, who were both matching his excitement.

"Yeeaahh, that's what I'm talking about, wooo!", Nick cheered.

"Wooo let's go bitches, Mickey D's up ahead, now go, go, go!!", Chris started jumping and chanting while hitting the dashboard, happy like a little kid.

With that they drove off, putting on music again, though this time only Chris actually sang along, the other two just dancing calmly with the rhythm, enjoying the drive. The nearest McDonalds wasn't far, of course, so it didn't take long for them to get there. 

They went through the drive-through where Nick ordered from the backseat and soon enough they got their food and drove off, all the while talking and arguing about the most random things like they usually would.

Matt parked the car in the nearest parking lot, which was surprisingly empty considering it wasn't even 6pm yet, not that they were complaining. Before they each took their own food out of the bags, Matt blurted out without thinking, "You guys wanna record a car video?". He was in a good mood, but became nervous when neither brother answered him for a second too long.

"We- We don't have to of course, I just though since we're already... never mind it was stupid, forget I said anything", he stammered out, embarrassed.

"Nonono, Matt, it's not stupid at all, we'd love to film again, we're just...", Nick started, before Chris interrupted him, "Matt, Matt, Maaattt, aaaaahh, you're just full of great ideas today aren't you? I love it, let's do it, Niiiick what are you waiting for, I know you left the camera here from last time, gimme it, nooow, Niiiick", Chris was bouncing around in excitement, happiness radiating off of him. 

His energy was contagious, because the next moment Matt was laughing again at Chris's antics and Nick was rolling his eyes fondly, yelling back at Chris to stop rushing him.

They set up their camera faster than ever before and recorded their first car video back as a trio in over half a year. It was their best one yet.

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