The Separation

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Tom sight
Bill and I were playing in our children's room when our parents called. We went into the living room and sat on the sofa with our parents.
(Conversation B: Bill T: Tom J: Joerg
S: Simone)
S: Bill, Tom
B+T: Yes mom
J: We have to tell you something
B: What the
S: Your father and I are separating
T: what
B: And what happens to us
J: Tom comes to me and
S: Bill to me
T: You can't tear us apart
(conversation over)
Bill and I ran to our room crying. After a few minutes we comfort each other
(Conversation B: Bill T: Tom)
B: I don't want to leave you
T: Neither do I
B: We still have one picture from our last vacation
T: Yes
B: Let's cut it up so that you have the half that me and mom are on and I have the half that you and dad are on
T: That's the best idea
(conversation over)
We get a pair of craft scissors and cut the picture into 2 parts.
Some days later
Bill and Mom are moving out and I'm staying here with Dad. When the big goodbye came, Bill and I were crying in each other's arms. Bill gets in. As they drive away, I waved. I ran into (our) room, which now suddenly belonged only to me. I got into bed and cried. For the next few weeks I tried to manage a daily routine without Bill, but it didn't work. I lay in bed a lot and cried.

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