To reminisce

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Tom sight
Today we're going to clean up the house a bit. We were sorting out the living room closet when I found a photo album.
I called Bill
(Conversation B: Bill T: Tom)
T: Bill, come into the living room
B: Come
Bill comes into the living room
B: What is it
T: Look what I found
B: The photo album when we were little
T: Yes
(conversation over)
We sit down on the couch and leaf through the photo album. We didn't notice Luna and Isabel coming into the living room
(Conversation B: Bill T: Tom I: Izzy L: Luna)
I: What are you doing there?
B: We look at old photos of ourselves
L: Are there any photos of you together from before?
B: Yes
T: We only got separated when we were 6 years old
I: Right
(conversation over)
We then look at the photo books of all of us separately. We laughed a lot. When we finished looking at all the photo books, we went to dinner. Then we watch TV. At 8 p.m. I put Niklas to bed. I tell him a fairy tale that I made up myself.
Once upon a time there was a small family with twins, this family was very poor, they lived in a run-down house on the edge of the forest. The twins, who went by the names Bill and Tom, spent every single second together, but by the time the boys were 6 years old everything was to change. Mother Simone met a very wealthy man and she and father Jörg separated and Bill and Tom were separated, Bill went to mother and Tom to father. 12 years had passed and Bill had an excellent upbringing while Tom and his father struggled to survive every day. Bill met and fell in love with Luna the Princess, Luna reciprocated the wealthy boy's feelings and Bill was the chosen one to be with Princess Luna. It had been quiet around the twins for 2 years until Luna sent Bill on a royal mission. He should prove his kindness and help a poor beggar of his choice, only then he could marry Luna and become the future king of the kingdom, that was the instruction of Luna's father, the king. So Bill set out to find a beggar. As Bill rode towards the edge of the forest, he saw a young beggar sitting in front of a run-down house. Bill stopped his horse and struck up a conversation with the young beggar. When the beggar revealed his name, Bill couldn't believe his ears, the beggar's name was Tom. Bill asked if Tom had a brother he was separated from 14 years ago. Tom confirmed this and realized that his brother was sitting in front of him on the horse. You are my brother. You're Bill, said Tom happily, whereupon Bill rewarded him with a smile. Bill held out his hand to Tom with the words: Come with me brother, you and father will be helped, I will take you to Princess Luna, her pure and good heart will be the key to solving the problem you have had since your parents separated plagues. Tom got on his brother's horse and the common path now led to the castle. Your Majesty, I found the beggar mine. It's Tom I want to help, he's my brother I haven't seen in 14 years. My father should also be helped. Those were Bill's words of wisdom as he stood before the king. Well then, my boy, you have conscientiously carried out this task, you did not choose anyone but your brother, your own blood. Your brother and your father will be helped, you can be sure. The reward yours, the hand of Luna, the daughter mine. You have shown pure heart, as pure as Luna's, but strong as bronze. These words spoke the king to the future prince, his son-in-law. Tom and his father made it out of poverty. Bill married Princess Luna and they wisely ruled the kingdom for many years. Tom shouldn't go away empty-handed when it comes to love either. Luna promised him the hand of her servant Isabel after seeing that Tom and Isabel were attracted to each other.
And they all lived happily everafter.
Niklas heard before he fell asleep, he was so cute. I went to Izzy in our bedroom and snuggled up to her.
(Talk T: Tom I: Izzy)
T: Babe
Me: Yes Sunshine
T: Our little nephew is so cute
I: Yes, you are right
T: I would also like to have children
I: Me too Sunshine
T: How many kids do you want to have babe
I: I don't know, definitely 2 or 3 children
T: We will definitely have 2 children
I: Maybe one day I will get pregnant with Luna
T: This will be fun
Me: I think so too
T: Can I kiss you goodnight
I: Of course you come here
(conversation over)
Izzy gives me a kiss, then she puts her head on my chest, after a while we fall asleep snuggled up close to each other.

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