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"Loneliness is for a few elected: you have to be incredibly strong to endure it"


- But Hermione! So you will be sentenced to death anyway!

- No, Dumbledore said no-

- Uhm, I don't trust him anymore, too many things happened -

She started warming up.

- You let yourself criticize a person way more than all of us? Don't let me continue-

- Come on! Say what you think about me, say it! -

- Stop Ron! -

- Sorry, I'm nervous,-
He tried to get closer to Hermione to stroke her hand.


The young man took a slap on his face.

- Go away! Now! -

She faltered for the effort.

Despite the blood, she was extremely weak.

Ginny frantically motioned him to go away.

- Fuck, what the heck the brain lets me do-
he muttered when he closed the door.

- What an idiot-


He had provided a cloak and had advised her to take a hump position, to seem elderly.

She did not ask him questions, she remained locked up in her silence.

Deaf steps on the upholstered soil of snow.

Tired, destroyed and unaired, wondered what would happen, what would be the consequences of her actions.

She felt an innate trembling, she observed her hands: gross blood.

A warm and reddish drop slipped on the white cloak. The problem? She did not know what to feel.

Should she feel guilty? Or rejoice for her release?

She cleaned her hands against the cloak and sheathed the dagger.

Now it was safe.

They came to a grungy and uneven wooden house.

- Enter - Dumbledore propelled her.

A tall and robust man approached them with grumpy and little friendly manners:

- What part of not coming here you did not understand? -

- Aberforth, we have to spread the divergences -

- Let's hear, what? For a greater good, right?-

She closed her eyes and revised all the heights of his parents. Like a stab in the heart.

One hiss came out of her mouth, so weak, but enough to get blood out:

- Enough -

- Little girl ... -

She revealed her bloody-dripping hands. 

He went silent, grunting right after.

- She can stay, but only for a few weeks Albus, no more than that-

- Well, I was hoping for nothing else-

- You're in good hands, I-

- I know- - I know everything about you-

Dumbledore heard her confession.

And despite everything, she respected him.


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