Chapter 1

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(Samantha POV)

There I was in front of my new school. It was huge. I was nervous, until Rouge held my hand. She smiled at me, and dragged me to the enterance. I stayed close to her. Everyone I saw spotted me, and started whispering.

It was embarrassing to see how many people noticed I was new. Rouge, and I were lucky enough to get the same timetable, and lockers that were next to each other. She helped me put my stuff away, and held both my hands.

Listen Sam. I know you're nervous, but everything will be fine. I'm here for you.

I can't thank you enough for your generosity, even if it's been two days together.

Well, I am generous when I want to. Plus, you've been a really good sister yourself. Spending time with you everyday makes me learn more about you.

I feel the same way.

Now remember, I have a boyfriend, and he doesn't like seeing me with other people. So, I'm going to introduce you to him, and if he doesn't like you, then I'll convince him. There he is now.

Rouge pointed behind me. There I saw an edgy hedgehog that was wearing a black leather jacket, and had some piercing on his ears. I gulped, and got nervous. He saw me with Rouge, and glared at me. He approached us, and started with me.

You, f*&@ off!

Shadow! I was going to introduce you to my new sister, but since you were so rude to her, I'm going to do the same. Samantha, this is my b1@#$& boyfriend, Shadow, this is my sister you sorry escuse for a b!@#$1!

O - Oh. Rouge baby, I'm sorry. I didn't know ... but wait, you don't look alike! What even is she?

Shut up Shadow! She's adopted. If you can let me have my freedom, none of this would have happened! I'm not talking to you for two days!

Rouge grabbed my hand, and stormed off while dragging me with her. I saw Shadow still glaring at me. I yelped, and kept walking beside Rouge. We got to our first class, and she set me on an empty desk.

Listen Hun, I'll be right behind you. I can't sit with you, because Amy promised me to help with something. I promise that I'll sit next to you after this lesson. Love you!

Love you too.

She set right behind me with a pink hedgehog who I assume was Amy. Soon, the whole class flooded in. A purple chameleon looked down at me, then set next to me. I avoided eye contact. A sweat rolled down my face. I never felt more nervous.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder, and immediately yelped so loud. The chameleon looked at me with a puzzled look, then blinked twice. I noticed the whole class looking at me. I giggled nervously, and wore my hood.

Are you okay hun?

I - I'm fine. Hehe ... ehhhh.

I'm sorry for scaring you ... some how ... I just wanted to ask you what your name is.

O - Oh. My name is Samantha.

It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Espio.

It's a pleasure to meet you too.

Again, I'm sorry for scaring. It wasn't my intention.

It's okay.

It was silent between us. We looked into each other's eyes. I looked away with hot cheeks, and a small smile. He was, cute. I heard Rouge giggling behind me. I turned around, and saw her smirking at me.

You're really beautiful.

My whole face heat up. I covered my face with my wing. My mind kept telling me to complement him back, but my gut refused. I was saved by the teacher walking in. I put my wing down, and saw him smiling at me at the corner of my eye.

I couldn't look at him. I tried focusing in class, but still saw him turn, and smile at me. At the end of the class, I followed Rouge out the class, when I suddenly tripped, and thought I fell. I opened my eyes, and saw I was floating.

Silver, put her down!

Sorry Rouge, I was hired to do this.

By who?

I'm not allowed to say.

Rouge hit Silver on the head, causing me to fall, but I was caught by Espio. My face heat up. He gently put me down. Rouge hugged me, and sighed in relief. Who would hate me at the first day?

Something feels wrong.

If I find out who did this, they're going to pay! I was so worried you might get hurt.

It's okay. I'm fine.

The rest of the day went by fast. I just stayed with Rouge, and kept quiet when she spoke with her friends. I felt like someone was watching me the whole day though. First day was okay.

At home, Rouge was teaching me how to fly. Yes, I don't know how to fly. That's why I mostly prefer to put my wings away. Again, I was terrible, and I kept falling. After another, painful afternoon, we were just talking while Rouge played with my long hair.

For some reason, I couldn't sleep. So did Rouge. We pulled out our phones, and chatted with the others. Rouge added me to her group earlier, so I'm now part of their crazy stuff, and will probably get in trouble with them. Yay.

Top Squad

Rouge💎: Hey y'all. We're bored🥱

SuperSonic🌭: What's up?

AmyRose🌹: Not doing much

Espio: Me neither. Did anyone add Samantha 2 the group?

Samy🔪: I'm here. Hi🙃

Knux👊: What's with the knife emoji

Blaze🔥: That's really concerning

Samy🔪: What do u mean

SuperSonic🌭: Ur not a yandere, r u😰

Samy 🔪: No! I just pressed a random emoji. I can change it if u want

Knux👊: Pls

Samy⚜️: Is this better?

AmyRose 🌹: Yes.

Espio🔪: What r we going 2 do this weekend 🤔

SuperSonic 🌭: Stop with the knife!!!

Rouge💎: Honestly, u can't blame him. His a ninja, and there's no ninja emojis.

AmyRose 🌹: Why don't we hang out @ the park.

Rouge💎: We're free. Any1 else.

Espio 🔪: 👍

SuperSonic🌭: As long as there's chillidogs.

AmyRose 🌹: I'll bring the food.

Samy ⚜️: We can bring the blanket.

Shadow🌑: What is she doing here?!

Samy ⚜️: Rouge added me 2 get along with every1

Shadow🌑: I wasn't talking 2 u🙄

Samy⚜️: Sorry

Espio🔪: U don't need 3 apologize Samantha.

Rouge💎: Shadow, I'm sick of ur attitude. Can u change for once.

Shadow🌑: She needs 2 leave! Now!!!

Samy⚜️: Ok

AmyRose 🌹: Wait, Samantha, don't leave!

Samy⚜️ left the chat

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