Chapter 7

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Espio The Chameleon. Where were you when the fire took place?

Well, before it all happened, I was in the library doing my homework. When the fire started I was with Samantha in the main hall.

Is it true Ms. Bat?

Yes. We were talking until the fire extinguishers went if. He's the one who saved me.

Where were you when the book shelves that killed Jason fell?

I was with Charmy the whole day. When the bookshelves fell, I was in the bathroom with him.

Is this statement true Charmy Bee?

Yes. I already explained to the teacher that he's innocent, and that the shelves were already installed.

During the shooting, how did you escape.

We escaped through the vents above the ceiling in the girls' bathroom.

Is this true?


Now tell us what happened to you?

I was dropping Samantha off when we suddenly ambushed by some shooters who were led by Jack.

How did you escape?

I paralyzed all of them to give us time to escape. Espio said I should go while he calls the police.

How did you get hurt when you had enough time to escape?

It seems that it was temporary. While I was trying to call for help, they unfrozen, and attacked me. They broke my phone before I could even unlocke my screen. I turned invisible, and ran away. While I was running, I heard gun shots at the alley.

Before we leave, we would like to check your house for any illegal weapons.

We do have weapons that are legally ours. I can give you the documents.


My mom came back with the documents, and gave them to the police. They checked all the rooms, and weapons. Last, they checked my room. I wasn't nervous at all. They found a box under my bed, and looked at me with suspicion.

What is this?

That was given to me by my father before he died. He said I should keep them, and not open the box until tomorrow actually.

We have to open to see if it's legally in your possession.

I am forbidden to look until tomorrow. I have to be excused.

You, keep an eye on him.

(Police 1)
Yes sir!

I was with the police outside my room. It was kinda awkward. I was still bleeding with kinda stunged. I held my arm, and minded my own business. Everyone came out of my room.

Well, we checked the whole house, and found nothing suspicious, or illegal. Your son is officially trust worthy to the society. He's clear. Now we can go investigate the crime scene. Please lead the way.

Everyone followed me, and I pretended to be shocked when we saw Jack, and the shooters dead. The police found my broken phone, and took all the weapons as evidence to the crime.

Thank you for your time. We will report this to the court, and let everyone know that your clear Espio.

Thank you.

Thank you officers.

The minute they left my mom hugged me too tight. Samantha healed me, and removed my blood of my mom. My mom thanked Charmy, and Samantha for helping me. We all went back, and she rewarded them with weapons that will be legally theirs.

Choose any you would like, and I'll make sure they are legally yours.

I've always wanted the stingers. They're so cool!

I guess I can take the fans.

Very good. I'll speak to my lawyer, and they'll be all yours. You can come back tomorrow, and pick them up. I'll have them ready for you.

Thank you so much.

After Charmy, and Samantha left, I went back to the forest, and burnt all my things. Except the poison I was working on. Everything burnt to complete ashes. I went back home, and worked on the poison.

I put them in small balls that were the size of drops. I made the launcher in my bracelet with spike that I wear everyday. It was more then enough. One drop from it will instantly kill you. Only for emergency.

The next day was the day. I brought the box downstairs, and placed it on the table. My mom was there along with Samantha, and Charmy. They wanted to see me open it. I did, and couldn't believe my eyes.

The true daggers of the dragon master. (P.s I don't know what I'm going for here) They could be thrown, and it will come back. They were unbreakable, and they were the sharpest tools in the whole world.

I took them, and was somehow worthy. I threw them against the wall. They were fast. It came back to me. These were perfect for combat. My mom gave Charmy the stingers, and Samantha the fans with the legal permission.

Thank you so much! Man, I can't wait to test these out.

Be careful! One hit from those things can instantly paralyze your enemy for about five minutes.

Can I test them on you?

… No!


Why do you want to test them on me?

Cause why not?

I noticed Samntha giggling. It was really cute. She's so … perfect. Our moment was interrupted when I blacked out. No! What's happening? Senpie? No, no, no, no, no, no! I need to wake up! Why can't I wake up?!?!

Am I dead? No! They can't take senpie away from me. Never! I felt my body being taken away. Good, I'm still alive. Who ever is doing this will surely die. If they lay a finger on senpie, their death will be ruthless.

After a while of arguing with my brain, I began to come through. I opened my eyes to be greeted with a blurry vision. I just saw a purple blur in front of me. I shut my eyes to see I was in some sort of room.

What is going on? I fully came through to be tied on a chair. Right in front of me was …

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