Chapter 6

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(Samantha POV)

After the whole school shooting, and thinking for a while, I went to Espio's house to tell him my decision. I knocked on the door, and only to see his mother. She looked like she was crying.

Are you okay?

(Espio's mom)
I should be better. My son has been yelling, and breaking everything in his room. I tried to check up on him, but he threw me out.

Why is he acting like this?

Espio's mom set me down. She held my hands, and looked at me with her eyes starting to fill up with tears. I could see her pain as a mother, trying to be there for her son, but failing to understand him.

(Espio's mom)
Espio wasn't always like this. He used to be such an angel. He was lonely though. After my husband passed away, everything took a turn. He got kidnapped when he was ten, and was found terribly injured. When he was 12 he got abused. He got threatened to steal drugs for some other kids. Until that day. They threatened to kill me if he didn't steal more drugs for them. He refused, and got abused again. He fought back, and ended up killing one of the kids. He was forced to go to rehab for 4 years. When he returned home, that angel was gone. He would ignore me, and he couldn't control his emotions. He only felt fear, anger, sadness, and pain. Whenever he went to school, I'll see writings on the wall, and arrows pointing at a corner where he would sit there. I try to paint the walls to get rid of them, but new writings will appear. He just wants to be loved.

I never knew what Espio was going through. I'll talk to him, don't worry.

(Espio's mom)
Please do. I don't want to loose my son.

I went upstairs to Espio's room. His door was slightly opened. I took a pick through the door, and saw him sitting at a corner in fear. There were writings, and scratches on the wall. There was a broken vase, and he had cuts on his arm.


No! Don't hurt me! Please!

Espio, stop! Please, just stop! Look at me!

Espio looked at me with tears. I set him down on his bed, and healed his arm. I removed all the writings, and scratches on his walls. I gently held Espio on the face. He closed his eyes, and calmed down.

I ... didn't mean ...

Espio. Forget about the past. I know it's hard, but you have to try. I'm here for you, and I'll always be there for you. I love you Espio. I truly do.

I love you too.

Espio took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. He wiped his tears, and we just set there in silence. It was calming him down a little more. After calming down, he pulled me closer to him. I blushed a little.

He somehow made me sit on his lap. I blushed hard. Espio then held my face, and pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed back. He licked my lips, and made our tongues to greet each other. He pulled back getting some slime on his lips.

He licked his lips in the most hottest way. My soul left my body. That was the hottest first kiss ever. Espio noticed his mom, and blushed hard. His mom giggled, then left us alone again.

(Espio POV)

No one will ever take you away from me senpie. You are, and forever will be mine. I'll make sure of it. Samantha suggested we go for a walk. I nodded, and held here hand. I couldn't help, but feel like someone was watching us.

It was getting dark. I insisted to walk Samantha home. We got ambushed by some shooters, and we're cornered in an alley. Jack came out with a grin. I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance.

Happy to see me?

Why are you doing this?

You rejected me, and left me in humiliation all, because of him! Out of all the people! Espio! I want you! I need! Can't you see my love for you?!

Sending guys to shoot almost everyone in the school just for me? You call that love?! I love Espio. Just except that I said no!

You don't have much of a choice. I'll kill Espio if you don't be with me. Love me, and I'll let him live.

You're so foolish if you think you can kill me. Samantha, stay behind me.

Samantha ran up to Jack, and gave him a kick on the face. She was so fast. She somehow paralyzed the shooters, giving us the chance to escape. I told her to go home, while I go call the police. She nodded, and left.

I looked at Jack with disgust. I took a plastic from the near by bin to take one of the shooters' gun without leaving evidence. I shot both the shooters, and then Jack on the head. I threw the gun, and left home with the plastic. Once I got home, I burnt it.

No one will touch my senpie. No one! They will never survive if they even think they can take Samy away from me. I opened my drawer near my bed, and admired the necklace I bought for Samy.

It was perfect for her. I began drooling, and nose bleeding over senpie. She's all mine. I was still thinking about our kiss. I wanted to repeat the process again. I needed her in my arms again. I was already missing her.

I heard my phone vibrate. I checked it to see it was my daily news report notification. I saw a picture of Sonic. I forgot he was still alive. I played the news outloud, and couldn't believe my ears.

(News reporter)
Sonic The Hedgehog has claimed the Espio The Chameleon framed him for murdering Swift, Jason and Shadow. Police are already on they're way to his location.

Oh s***!

I quickly put all my weapons except the ones that are legally mine into my bag. I quickly framed them, making sure they are clean, and took the poison I was working on. I buried them deep in the forest, and broke my phone at the alley where Jack attacked us.

I cut myself, and pretended to be injured. I got home through the front door to see the police with my mother, and that blue piece of s****. My mom freaked out when she say me with cuts, and gave me a tight hug.

Ow! Careful!

What happened?

Ma'am, we first have to solve this case. We have a murderer here!

I'm telling you, I'm not the Yandere! He is!

Shut up! Ma'am, as you know, Sonic says that your son is the Yandere. We suspect it's possible after the situation 4 years ago. If he has any witnesses, he may call them now.

I asked my mom for her phone since I broke mine, and called Charmy, and Samantha. They got here as fast as they could. They both got worried when they saw me. We all set down, and talked. I had to keep my cool.

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