Chapter 5

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(Espio POV)

The next day, I was by my locker. Samantha was leaning on a wall close to me. She seemed like she was thinking about something. I then overheard Jack, and Oliver talking about us. They started with me.

Huh. Check Espio out.

That's a pretty good look. Better than those dark clothes he was wearing yesterday.

Dude, check her out.

Pretty cute.

Looks like she might be a bit of an airhead though.

No. She's actually very nice, and is pretty smart. (Sighs) A little too nice.

People might take advantage of her.

They do. She's a dark angel! At least, that's what I heard. She can literally do anything. Let's go introduce ourselves.

Before they could try to take her away from me, I walked up to her, and gave her my poetry book. She read my two new poems while I glared at Jack, and Oliver. They seemed confused, and just looked at me.

Did we ... do something wrong to him?

Remember the issue we had at the start of the year.

Oh. He still remembers.

Your poems are lovely Espio.

Thank you.

You know I heard you idiots talking about me, right?

Sorry. That was a little offensive. You wanna repeat that b1***?

Back off.

Step aside Espio.

They pushed me out of the way. Jack slapped Samantha right in front of me. I got furious. I pushed Oliver away from me, and punched Jack on the gut. I then pulled Oliver's ear, and made him fall to the ground.

Do that again next time, and the situation will be much worse!

They ran away. I held Samantha's slapped cheek worried. She tried to convince me that she was fine, but I knew she wasn't. We looked deep into our eyes, and I noticed how close our faces were. I blushed hard.

Why are blushing like that?

Well ... I ... um ... there's something ... I have to tell you.

What is it?

I ... um ...

Before I could finish my sentence, the bell rang. She told me I can tell her afterschool. I sighed, and nodded my head. Why can't I just tell her. I went to the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes turned pink again, and I was determine to make her mine.

I closed my eyes. I never thought I will get this feeling. I was always thought I wouldn't find anyone who will truely love me. I was always thought that I was bad luck. I need someone to love me.

I need her. My mind was spinning with several questions, but I ignored them thinking about my Samy~! The perfect one for me. I went in one of the toilets, and locked myself in. I was nose bleeding, and drooling over her.

I had a picture of her in my phone, and just stared at it. I was obsessing over her. I needed her to love me! Only me!!! I never thought I'll be lovesick for Samy~. I purposely broke the lock on the door when I noticed how much time I've been in the bathroom.

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