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You closed your eyes tightly, feeling the darker skin girl stroke your member under the desk. Biting your lip, you muffled your moans so it wouldn't alert your classmates of what you and your best friend were doing. Juanita winks and lowers her head, as if to pick up a pencil. You could feel her warm breath on the tip of your cock as she slid her lips down to the base. She began sucking you off like a lollipop, swirling her tongue around the head before sliding back down.

Your hands gripped the sides of the desk, your knuckles turning white from how hard they were. She was incredible at this, but you didn't want her to stop. Not yet anyway. Juanita bobbed her head up and down on your dick, slurping quietly. Her hand moved up and down in time with her mouth, pumping you faster. You looked down and saw her other hand massaging your balls. Rashida looked down at her textbook, smirking slightly at your pleasure filled expression, "I think she's close, Nita." The lighter skin girl teases,

"Oh god..." You cried out softly, glad that you three were at the back of the class. The dark skinned beauty continued to suck your dick, now using one hand to play with your balls while the other stroked you. "I'm gonna cum..." You gasped out. Juanita only moaned quietly and sucked harder, until you felt yourself cum inside of her mouth. She took every drop of your seed in her mouth, looking up at you and opening her mouth to show you. You felt yourself harden again, only then did your jaw drop when Juanita closed her mouth to see if anyone was around before grabbing Rashida by her chin and kissing her deeply, parting the lighter skin girl's lips with her tongue. She made sure the slightly older girl tasted every drop of you before pulling away and wiping her bottom lip as if nothing ever happened.

It was then Rashida's turn to open her mouth slightly to show you before swallowing the remainder of your kids, "Y/n, answer this question." The teacher suddenly calls out. You blinked, "Huh?" You questioned dumbly, still in shock about what just happened. The class laughed a little, including your best friends. You discreetly buttoned your jeans, "Answer the question on the board, Y/ln." The teacher deadpanned, holding out a marker.

You dropped your head making both of the girls beside you laugh quietly

You dropped your head making both of the girls beside you laugh quietly

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"I still can't believe you hang out wit these chicks still, my nigga." One of your homeboys on track states as you sat down at their table. You furrowed your eyebrows, "What you mean?" You asked in a soft curious tone. Toni chuckles, "Them jawns bruh, the prostitutes' kids bro." You instantly tensed up, knowing he was talking about Juanita and Rashida. You felt yourself frown, "And what about it? And don't refer to them as that, refer to them by their names." You said, getting defensive. Toni rose his hands,

"You a little to defensive, dawg. They must be givin up the pussy if you that protective." You felt yourself get angry and stand up, "Like I said, don't refer to them like that." Toni stands up and gets in your face, alerting your other group of friends. Trayvon and Devontae instantly stood up and walked over to you, pushing Toni back, "Aye, you too close, young blud." Trayvon says lowly.

Both Rashida and Juanita walked up to you, noticing your angry expression. Toni chuckles, "Like I SAID, they giving you the pussy if you that defensive!" He says loudly, "As expected from prostitute children!" Toni finishes, saying the last part louder than the rest. Before you could even process what you were doing , you swung making everyone in the cafeteria either scream or laugh and pull out their phones.

Toni jumped back up and started to swing back but you ducked or dodged the swings, throwing your own punches, "Y/n stop! It's not that serious!" Rashida yells, tearing up slightly as she watched her best friend fend of three guys by herself over a stupid comment a random boy they didn't even know made about her and Juanita. Trayvon and Devontae jumped in after noticing their sister figure fighting three dudes and started swinging too,

"Hey hey!" Mr. Black shouts, running over towards the fight with Ms. Randolf, Ms. Reed and a few officers in tow. Rashida already felt tears falling down her cheeks as she saw how many hits you were taking because she knew, even with your extra part, you were still a girl so that many hits should've hurt, even if you were winning the fight. The adults successfully broke up the fights and pulled them apart, "Man, don't you ever lemme catch you talkin bad bout them again, nigga, I'll KILL you!" You shouted as Mr. Black held you back.

Trayvon glares, "Pussy ass niggas, try jumpin me, bitch! Yea, that's what I fuckin thought!" He snaps letting Ms. Reed push him back by his chest. Devontae just mean mugged, not saying anything as Ms. Randolf pulled him back. Ms. Randolf uses her free hand to rub her face, "My office. Now." She says calmly. Mr. Black still had a tight hold on you as you still tried to get to Toni, "Bro, let me go, Mr. Black, let me go, bro." You say angrily.

Juanita walks up to you making your facial expression soften, "Go." She says, gently pushing you towards the office, "We right behind you." She says quietly only making you angrier. You knew when Juanita took stuff to heart and knew when she was hurt, but what hurt your the most was looking back to see Rashida looking away from you while wiping her face. You wiped blood off of the side of your mouth before turning around and walking towards the office, stumbling a bit.

Yeaaa y'all thought there was gon be nun but seggs think againnn

Job Skills (Rasheida/You/Juanita)Where stories live. Discover now