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After a few beats of silence sitting in your chair, you opened your mouth, "I'm sorry guys." You squeaked out. Devontae scoffs and tosses his basketball up in the air, "You don't have nun to be sorry about, sis. We wasn't finna let them niggas jump you." He says, laying down on your bed. Trayvon nods, scooting over a bit, "On everything. Plus, Nita and D gang, like we was finna let that nigga bad mouth dem." He says, his face turning up.

You nodded wordlessly. Trayvon sighs while looking at you, "Look, gang. We put ourselves in the situation when we jumped in, stop blamin yoself." He states making you nod, "I guess man." Devontae leans up and smirks, "Now, tell us the truth, you fuckin dem?" He asks making you choke on air, "H-Huh?" You questioned.

Trayvon rolls his eyes, "Please, don't act like we ain't peep D and Nita all over you in the back of Chem, dawg." He points out. Devontae snorts, "Not only that, we peeped Nita lowkey goin under the table. We looked away tho cuz we thought ha ass was pickin up a pencil but... that was a lil suspicious. Especially with how confused you looked when the teach called on you." He laughs out.

You felt yourself break out into an instant sweat, "Bro, you can literally tell us. We won't say shit." Trayvon says honestly. You took a deep breath and eventually cracked. Both Devontae and Trayvon's jaw slacked at what you told the two, "I kind expected that shi from Juanita, but Rashida?" Devontae questions. You shrugged, "Honestly, I don't know how this shit happened to be honest." You admitted.

Devontae nods, "Soo... you haven't fucked?" You shook your head, "You ain't give dem head?" You blushed and shook your head again. Trayvon raises an eyebrow, "You ain't TOUCH them?" You shook your head again. Both of the boys facepalmed, "Nigga, to receive, you gotta GIVE!" Trayvon says with Devontae nodding his head in agreement.

You shrugged, "I've never... you know..." You mutter lowly, feeling embarrassed by even having to admit that out loud. Devontae nods before pulling out his phone, "You know what you must do."

Your homeboys left after a little while, leaving you to your thoughts. While some of them trailed to the videos they showed you, explaining everything about... well, women, the other was focused on your best friends. Could they even be called that? The way they even touch you should be ILLEGAL to best friend laws. Why were you even thinking about fucking your best friends at the moment?

"Honestly, gang. I know they type. Nita and D the type that you gotta put dem in dey place, especially Nita." Trayvon said with a head shake. You blinked slowly, "That seems... mean?" You questioned. Devontae placed a hand on your shoulder, "Sweet, innocent lil sis. Girls like them LIKE that shit. Not too much tho, they'll cuss yo ass out." He stated, "They like that dominant shit. At least, if you not, act like it." Trayvon deadpanned.

You crossed your arms before looking down at your semi. You don't know if it was from the videos or from thinking too hard about your best friends, but it was there. Just then, your room door opened making you quickly look up. It was just Rashida that walked in, "Where's Nita?" You ask quietly. Rashida walks up to you and straddles your lap, "She had to retake a test." She mutters, burying her face in your shoulder and pulling her body impossibly closer to yours.

You wrapped your semi toned arms tightly around Rashida's waist making her body relax, "Job Skills ain't the same without you." You laughed a little, "I barely talk. Highly unlikely." You mumbled. Rashida shakes her head, "Your presence. You, Trayvon and Devontae." She says quietly. You gently kissed her cheek before kissing down her jawline and down her neck. Rashida gasps quietly, "Oh..." She mumbles, tilting her head to the side to give you more access.

You kiss your way down to her collarbone and then back up again. Your hands glide over her skin as you work your way up under her shirt to her breasts. Her nipples are hard against your palms. You continue to knead her breasts with your hands, pinching and rubbing her nipples between your fingers making Rashida let out a choked cry, "Y/n..." She whines out. You looked up at your... best friend... almost innocently, "Hm?" You questioned.

Rashida pants quietly, "I..." just then, the room door opens. Rashida instantly moves off of your lap and walks away as if nothing happened. Juanita walks into the room, "...It's unnaturally quiet up in this bitch." You and Rashida instantly busted out laughing.

Rashida looks down at her lap, leaning back in your chair with a thoughtful expression,

Five year old Rashida cries loudly. Juanita looks down at the lighter skin girl with a tilted head. Rashida was curled up under her, crying loudly. Juanita didn't know how to deal with crying children, she was still a child herself. But, she took a deep breath, "Hey, it's ok, gang." The six year old reassures quietly. Rashida sniffles and looks up at Juanita. The lighter skin girl freezes up, looking at Juanita as if she was in some sort of trance.

Juanita looks around, cringing at the dirty alley that the two girls were in, "Come here." She says quietly, opening her arms. Rashida instantly finds herself in Juanita's arms, shivering a little, "You're pretty." Juanita blinks rapidly at the sudden compliment before smiling, "You're pretty too, gang." Rashida blushes and buries her face deeper into Juanita's side making the darker skin girl laugh a little.

Rashida looks up and just stares at Juanita a/n in a non weird way. Her friendship with Juanita was complicated. It was many of moments where she'd look at Juanita and just get nervous. She'd feel her face heat up, her body heat up with every touch. But then there was moments where when she looked at her, she'd see the girl that protected her when they were younger, the girl that was always so strong, the girl she looked up to for so long.

Juanita opens her eyes slightly, making eye contact with Rashida, "What's goin on in dat head of yours?" She asks. Rashida shakes her head and looks away, "Nothin. Just can't sleep."

"Nita... I can't sleep." Eight year old Rashida cries quietly. Juanita gently shushes the younger girl, hoping that she didn't wake up or disturb their parents, "Shh, it's ok, D. I got you..." Juanita says softly. Rashida continued to cry as Juanita picked her up. Rashida was awfully small for her age. She was the average size of a four year old at age eight. Juanita really couldn't judge though. She was the size of a six year old and she was almost 10, "I got you, D." Rashida's cries were soon reduced to hiccups, "I love you, Nita."

Juanita's facial expression softened, "I love you too... now go to sleep, ok? I'm here" She says quietly making Rashida instantly relax in Juanita's embrace. As soon as her breathing evened out, Juanita looks down at the younger girl with an unreadable expression.

Rashida didn't know that Juanita was in front of her until the girl lifted her chin up. Juanita blinks a little when she notices Rashida's eyes were glazed over. Before the darker skin girl could say anything, Rashida opens her mouth,

"I love you, Nita."

Honestly idk where I'm going with this story, it's just a random Poly story atp but I didn't want Rashida and Juanita's relationship/friendship to be a little deeper

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