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Nevaeh learnt an unforgettable lesson that day,

So many things could occur in just a few hours,

If she told anyone that these drastic changes were mere things then she would be a dreadful liar,

Even worse than the father of all liars,

She isolated herself in Miles' room,

She refused to come downstairs,

She refused to eat,

She refused to talk,

She refused to walk,

She refused to go to the therapist,

And she refused to sleep,

She refused to do everything and anything,

So there she sat,

Huddled in a corner

Cold and alone,

Back resting against a random wall,

The cold surface offering her emotionless support,

Her face and clothes were drenched with her tears,

Her arms shook as it embraced her legs to her chest,

All she could do was cry,

So she cried,



And cried,

And cried again,

Till she had no more tears left to offer and anguish pierced her soul repeatedly,

The traumatic situation stabbing her in the back,

Miles had been gone for a long time now,

Nevaeh wished she could have gone with him,

Guilty strangled her mercilessly,

He shouldn't have to go through this alone either,

She felt like a selfish bitch,

So she wanted him to come back,

She wanted to kiss him and apologize,

She wanted to comfort him, badly,

He let out a sharp sigh as he entered the room, ensuring to lock the door behind him,

Nevaeh sniffled as she looked up at him with those swollen bloodshot eyes of hers,

"Mi amor" He whispered as he went to sit beside her, wrapping a comforting arm around her,

Placing the brown envelope on the floor, beside him,

"I picked up Tara, took her to the therapist and I picked up the documents from the lawyer" He whispered as she leaned into him,

"Does she know?" Nevaeh whispered in a cracked voice,

"Something like that, I guess she does have an idea but she went along with the therapy session cooly" He answered,

"Are you ready to sign the adoption papers?" He added as she closed her eyes,

"How are they ready so fast?" Nevaeh asked,

"Andrea knew it was coming, that's why she prepared it, along with her will" Miles answered,

"What?" Nevaeh whispered,

"She left everything in Tara's name" He murmured,

Nevaeh sighed, cradling her head in her hands,

"You don't have to sign it now if you don't feel up to it, It's already in effect, we're her legal guardians" He whispered,

NEVAEH || SPIDERMAN: ATSVWhere stories live. Discover now