Chapter 3

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"Well?" Goldenflower challenged.

"We thought we'd hunt." Sandstorm raised his head to hold the deputy's yellow gaze. "The Clan needs fresh-kill."

"But we couldn't find anything." Silverstream added, coming to stand beside Sandstorm.

"Was the prey all curled up in their nests, eh?" Goldenflower hissed. He padded forward until he stood nose to nose with Sandstorm, sniffed him, and then did the same to Silverstream. "So how is it the pair of you smell of mouse?"

Sandstorm exchanged a glance with Silverstream. It seemed a long time since they had hunted in the Twoleg barn, and he had forgotten that they might still be carrying the scent of the mice they ate.

Silverstream looked back at him helplessly, anxiety making his eyes wide.

"Oakstar should hear about this," the deputy growled. "Follow me."

Sandstorm and Silverstream had no choice but to obey. Goldenflower led them across the clearing to Oakstar's den at the foot of the Highrock. Beyond the curtain of lichen that covered the entrance, Sandstorm could see the Clan leader curled up, apparently asleep, but as Goldenflower shouldered his way into the den she raised her head at once and sat up.

"What is it, Goldenflower?" she meowed, sounding puzzled.

"These two brave warriors have been out hunting." Goldenflower's voice was thick with contempt. "They're full-fed, but they haven't brought home a single piece of fresh-kill for the Clan."

"Is this true?" Oakstar turned her amber eyes on the young warriors.

"We weren't on a hunting patrol," Silverstream mumbled.

That was true, thought Sandstorm. Strictly speaking, they hadn't broken the warrior code by not bringing back any prey, but he knew it was no real excuse.

"We are the first prey we caught, to keep our strength up," he meowed. "And then we couldn't find anything else. We meant to bring back fresh-kill, but our luck was out."

Goldenflower gave a snort of disgust, as if he didn't believe a word Sandstorm had said.

"Even so," Oakstar meowed, "with prey so scarce, every cat should think of the Clan before himself, and share what they have. I'm disappointed in you both."

Sandstorm couldn't help feeling ashamed. Oakstar had brought him into the Clan when he was a kittypet, and he wanted to show her that he deserved her trust. If he had been alone with Oakstar, he might have tried to explain his real reason for being so late back to camp. But with Goldenflower glaring at him, it was impossible.

Besides, Sandstorm wasn't ready to tell Oakstar about Patchpaw's latest version of the Sunningrocks battle. He wanted to speak to cats from Riverclan first, to confirm how Bluefur had really died.

"I'm sorry, Oakstar," he murmured.

"'Sorry' fills no bellies," Oakstar warned him. "You must understand that the needs of the Clan come first, especially in leaf-bare. Until next sunrise, you'll hunt for the Clan, not for yourselves. When the rest of the Clan has eaten, then you can take food for yourself." Her gaze softened. "You both look exhausted," she observed. "Go and sleep now. But I shall expect to see you out hunting before sunhigh."

"Yes, Oakstar." Sandstorm dipped his head and backed out of the den.

Silverstream followed him, his fur fluffed up in a mixture of fear and embarrassment. "I thought she'd have our tails off for sure!" he meowed as the two cats turned toward the warriors' den.

"Then you should think yourselves lucky." The low growl came from behind them; Sandstorm glanced over his shoulder to see that Goldenflower was padding after them. "If I were Clan leader, I'd have punished you properly."

Warriors AU: Forest of SecretsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu