Chapter 16

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Sandstorm stepped out of the ferns that enclosed the apprentices' den and stretched out his front paws. It was just after sunrise, and the sky was already a pale eggshell blue, promising fine weather after days of cloud and rain.

In Sandstorm's opinion, sleeping in the apprentice den was the worst part of his punishment. Every time he went in there, Blossompaw and Cloudpaw stared at him with huge eyes, as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Sorrelpaw just looked acutely embarrassed, while Swiftpaw—encouraged by her mentor, Longtail, Sandstorm guessed—openly sneered. Sandstorm found it hard to relax, and his sleep was broken by dreams in which Spottedleaf bounded toward him, meowing a warning that he could never remember when he woke.

Now Sandstorm stretched his jaws in a massive yawn and settled down to give himself a thorough wash. Silverstream was still sleeping, soon Sandstorm would have to wake him and find a warrior to supervise them on yet another hunting patrol.

As Sandstorm washed, he saw Oakstar and Goldenflower sitting at the foot of the Highrock, dep in conversation. Idly he wondered what they were talking about. Then Oakstar gave a flick of her tail to summon him. Sandstorm sprang up at once and bounded across the camp.

"Sandstorm," Oakstar meowed as he approached. "Goldenflower and I think you've been punished enough. You and Silverstream can be full warriors again."

Sandstorm felt almost giddy with relief. "Thank you, Oakstar!" he meowed.

"Let's hope it's taught you a lesson," growled Goldenflower.

"Goldenflower is going to lead a patrol up to Fourtrees," Oakstar went on before Sandstorm could respond. "In two nights the moon will be full, and we need to know if we can make it to the Gathering. Goldenflower, will you take Sandstorm with you?"

Sandstorm couldn't interpret the gleam in the deputy's yellow eyes. He didn't look pleased—Goldenflower never did—but there was a certain dark satisfaction, as if he would enjoy putting Sandstorm through his paces. Sandstorm didn't care. He was thrilled that Oakstar was trusting him with a real warriors' mission again.

"He can come," Goldenflower meowed. "But if he puts a paw wrong, I'll want to know the reason why." His pale coat rippled as he heaved himself to his paws. "I'll find another cat to go with us."

Sandstorm watched him as he stroke across the clearing and disappeared into the warriors' den.

"This will be an important Gathering," murmured Oakstar beside him. "We need to find out how the other Clans are coping with the floods. It's important for our Clan to be there."

"We'll find a way, Oakstar," Sandstorm assured her.

But his confidence drained rapidly away a moment later when he saw Goldenflower reappear from the den. The cat who followed him out was Longtail. It looked as if Goldenflower had chosen the third member of the patrol deliberately to disadvantage Sandstorm.

Sandstorm felt a hard lump of apprehension in his stomach. He wasn't sure that he wanted to go out alone with Goldenflower and Longtail. The memory of the battle with Riverclan was still too fresh, when Goldenflower had watched him struggling with a fierce warrior and mode no move to help him. And Longtail had been his enemy ever since he set paw in the camp.

For a moment, fearful pictures of the two cats turning on him in the depths of the forest and murdering him whirled through Sandstorm's mind. Then he shook himself. He was scaring himself like a kit listening to some elder's tale. No doubt Goldenflower would make unreasonable demands of him, and Longtail would enjoy every moment, but Sandstorm wasn't afraid of being challenged. He'd show them that he was a warrior equal to them in every way that mattered!

Warriors AU: Forest of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now