Chapter 13

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It was a cold, gray morning. Sandstorm dragged himself reluctantly out of his warm nest, and padded over to nudge Silverstream.

"Wha...?" Silverstream twitched and settled down again with his tail wrapped over his nose. "Go away, Sandstorm."

Sandstorm lowered his head and butted the broad silver tabby shoulder. "Come on, Silverstream," he whispered into his friend's ear. "We've got to hunt for Riverclan."

At that, Silverstream levered himself upright and parted his jaws in an enormous yawn. Sandstorm felt just as tired as his friend; supplying Riverclan with fresh-kill as well as keeping up with their duties in Thunderclan was taking up all their time and energy. They had crossed the river with prey several times, and so far their luck had held. No Thunderclan cat had found out what they were doing.

Stretching, Sandstorm glanced cautiously around the den. Most of the warriors were curled among th moss, too sound asleep to ask awkward questions. Goldenflower was just a mound of pale tabby fur in his nest.

Sandstorm slipped out between the branches of the den. At first he thought that all the other cats were asleep; then he saw Whitestorm appear at the entrance to the nursery and lifted her face to sniff the air. As if she didn't like the raw, damp wind that greeted her, she retreated almost at once.

Sandstorm looked back at Silverstream, who was shaking scraps of moss off his coat. "Okay," he meowed. "We can go now."

The two cats bounded across the clearing toward the gorse tunnel. Just as they reached it, a familiar voice behind them called out, "Sandstorm! Sandstorm!"

Sandstorm froze and turned around. Brightkit was scampering toward him, yowling. "Sandstorm! Wait for me!"

"Sandstorm," growled Silverstream, "why does your kin always turn up at the most awkward moment?"

"Starclan knows," Sandstorm sighed.

"Where are you going?" Brightkit panted excitedly as he skidded to a stop in front of the warriors. "Can I come with you?"

"No," Silverstream told him. "Only apprentices can go out with warriors."

Brightkit shot Silverstream a look of dislike. "But I'll be an apprentice soon. Won't I, Sandstorm?"

"'Soon' isn't 'now,'" Sandstorm reminded him, struggling to keep calm. If they hung around much longer, the whole Clan would be awake and wanting to know where they were going. "You can't come this time, Brightkit. We're going out on a special warrior mission."

Brightkit's blue eyes grew round with wonder. "Is it a secret?"

"Yes," hissed Silverstream. "Especially from nosy kits."

"I wouldn't tell any cat," Brightkit promised eagerly. "Sandstorm, please let me come."

"No." Sandstorm exchanged an exasperated glance with Silverstream. "Look, Brightkit, go back to the nursery now, and maybe I'll take you out later for some hunting practice. Okay?"

"Okay... I suppose." Brightkit looked sulkily, but he turned around and trailed off in the direction of the nursery.

Sandstorm watched him until he reached the entrance, and then slipped into the mouth of the tunnel. Moments later he was racing up the ravine with Silverstream at his side.

"I just hope Brightkit doesn't tell the whole Clan we went out early on a special mission," puffed Silverstream.

"We'll worry about that later," Sandstorm panted.

The two warriors headed for the stepping stones. The fallen tree was still there to help them cross the river, and hunting close by meant they had less distance to carry the fresh-kill, and were less likely to be spotted.

Warriors AU: Forest of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now