Chapter 21

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Author's Note: I'm so sorry for the long wait! My power went out and I just got it back. To make up for it, there will be 2 chapters uploaded today! I'll still do my best to upload every day.

When Cinderpaw had finished tending to Sandstorm's wounds, he went to find Silverstream. His friend was hunched up inside the warriors' den, his blue eyes troubled.

He looked up as Sandstorm slipped between the branches. "I'm sorry," he blurted out. "I know I should have been here. But I had to see Graystripe. I couldn't get near her on the night of the Gathering."

Sandstorm sighed. For a moment, he had considered sharing his suspicions about Blackclaw and Stonefur with his friend, but now he realized that Silverstream had more than enough worries of his own. "It's okay, Silverstream. Any of us could have been away, patrolling or hunting. But if I were you, I'd stick around camp for the next few days, and make sure Goldenflower sees you."

Silverstream scraped absently at a piece of moss. Sandstorm guessed he had already arranged to meet Graystripe again. "There's something else I wanted to tell you," he meowed, deciding not to try to argue about this now. "About Sorrelpaw." Quickly he described how he and the apprentices had gone out early, and how Sorrelpaw had scented the invading band of cats. "He fought well, too," Sandstorm remarked. "I think it's time he became a warrior."

Silverstream let out a purr of agreement. "Does Oakstar know this?"

"Not yet. You're Sorrelpaw's mentor. You ought to recommend him."

"But I wasn't there."

"That doesn't matter." Sandstorm gave his friend a nudge. "Come on, let's go and talk to Oakstar now."

The Thunderclan leader and most of the warriors were still in the clearing, while Raggedpelt and Cinderpaw distributed cobwebs to stop bleeding and poppy seeds for pain. Whitestorm had brought out her kits to see what was going on, and Brightkit was frisking around, pestering one warrior after another with questions about the battle. Sorrelpaw was there too, giving himself a thorough wash; Sandstorm was relieved that he didn't seem too badly hurt.

The two warriors went up to Oakstar, and Sandstorm once more told the story of Sorrelpaw's skill at scenting their enemies, and his bravery in the battle. "It's thanks to Sorrelpaw that we had any warning at all," he meowed.

"We think he should be made a warrior," Silverstream added.

Oakstar nodded thoughtfully. "I agree. Sorrelpaw showed himself worthy today." She got up, paced into the middle of her cats, and raised her voice. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting."

Tigerclaw appeared at once from the nursery, followed by Smallear, and Speckletail limped slowly from the elders' den. When they had gathered around Oakstar, she meowed, "Sorrelpaw, come here."

Sorrelpaw looked up, surprised, and padded nervously over to Oakstar. Sandstorm could see he had not the least idea what was coming.

"Sorrelpaw, it was you who warned the Clan today, and you fought bravely in the battle," Oakstar meowed. "It is time for you to become a warrior."

The apprentice's mouth fell open. His eyes blazed with excitement as Oakstar pronounced the ritual words.

"I, Oakstar, leader of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn." She fixed her amber gaze on Sorrelpaw. "Sorrelpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

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