Chapter 17

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! I just started my Fall Semester in college yesterday so uploads may be a little slow. I'll still try to update daily if possible. Thanks for your patience :)

As he plunged into the stream Sandstorm managed to keep one clawhold on the branch. He felt as if he were fighting a spiky wooden enemy, twigs that lashed at him and raked through his fur while his breath bubbled into the dark water. His head broke the surface briefly, but before he could gasp in air the branch twisted and rolled him under again.

Terror made him strangely calm, as if time had slowed down. Part of Sandstorm's mind told him to let go of the branch and fight his way to the surface, but he knew that if he did that he would risk his life; the current was far too strong for him to swim. The force of the water meant there was nothing he could do but dig his claws in and endure. Starclan help me! he thought frantically.

His senses were just beginning to ebb into a tempting darkness when the branch rolled over again and brought him back to the surface. Choking and spitting he clung to it, with water churning along on either side of him. He could not see the bank. He tried to haul himself farther out of the water, but his sodden fur was too heavy and his limbs were growing stiff with cold. He did not know how long he could hold on.

Just as he felt that he was about to let go, something brought the branch to a jarring stop. It shuddered along its whole length, almost throwing Sandstorm off. As he clung on desperately, he heard a cat screech his name. Twisting his head, he saw that the other end of the branch was jammed against a rock that jutted out into the stream.

Longtail was crouched on the rock, leaning down toward him. "Move, kittypet!" she growled.

With his last drop of energy, Sandstorm scrambled along the length of the branch. Twigs whipped across his face. He felt the branch lurch again and flung himself at the rock, his front paws scraping at it while his hind legs thrust through the water. His paws had barely touched stone when the branch was swept away from underneath him.

For a heartbeat Sandstorm thought he would follow it. The rock was smooth; there was no purchase for his paws. Then Longtail reached down and Sandstorm felt her teeth meet in the scruff of his neck. With the other cat's help he managed to claw his way upward until he was crouching on the top of the rock. Shivering, he coughed up several mouthfuls of stream water before he looked up. "Thanks, Longtail," he gasped.

The warrior's face was expressionless. "It was nothing."

Goldenflower padded up from behind the rock. "Are you hurt?" he demanded. "Can you walk?"

Shakily, Sandstorm pushed himself to his paws. Water streamed off his coat as he shook himself. "I-I'm fine, Goldenflower," he stammered.

Goldenflower stepped backward to avoid the spinning droplets from Sandstorm's fur. "Watch it; we're all wet enough already." Approaching Sandstorm again he gave a rapid sniff down the length of his body. "Back to camp for you," he ordered. "In fact, we'll all go back. No cat can get across that water; you've proved that, if nothing else."

Sandstorm nodded and wordlessly followed the deputy back into the forest. Colder and more tired than he could ever remember being before, he wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep in a patch of sunlight.

But while his limbs felt like waterlogged stone, his mind was a whirlpool of fear and suspicion. Goldenflower had sent him out onto the branch, when any cat could see it was dangerous. Sandstorm couldn't help wondering if Goldenflower had deliberately dislodged it, to make sure that he was flung into the swollen stream.

Not if Longtail was watching, he decided. After all, Longtail had rescued him; much as Sandstorm disliked Longtail, he had to admit that the pale tabby would stick rigidly to the Clan code when another warrior needed her help.

Warriors AU: Forest of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now