Chapter 5

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"I can't believe I'm doing this," Sandstorm muttered as he pushed through the gorse tunnel into his own camp.

He had found some fresh fox dung in the forest, and rolled in it until he reeked. No cat would ever guess he had been into Riverclan territory now. Whether they would let him into the warriors' den was another matter. At least he had managed to catch a squirrel on his way back, so he wasn't returning empty-pawed.

As he emerged from the gorse tunnel, Sandstorm saw Oakstar standing on top of the Highrock. He realized he had just missed hearing her call the Clan together, because other cats were appearing from their dens to gather below her.

Sandstorm left his squirrel on the pile of fresh-kill and padded over to join them. Across the clearing, Whitestorm's kits tumbled out of the nursery, followed by Whitestorm herself. Sandstorm could easily pick out his sister's son, Brightkit, by his gleaming white and ginger fur. Olive, Sandstorm's sister who still lived in Twolegplace, had no wish to leave the comfortable life of a kittypet, but Sandstorm's tales of Clan life had captivated her, and she had given her eldest son to the Clan.

So far the Clan cats were finding it hard to accept another kittypet among them even though Whitestorm treated him like one of her own kits. Sandstorm knew from experience how much determination Brightkit would need to make a place for himself.

As he drew closer, Sandstorm heard the white and ginger kit complaining loudly to Whitestorm. "Why can't I be an apprentice? I'm nearly as big as that dumb tortoiseshell kit of Lionheart's!"

Sandstorm's interest quickened. Oakstar must be about to perform the apprentice-naming ceremony for Lionheart's two remaining kits. Their brothers, Sorrelpaw and Cinderpaw, had been named apprentices a few moons ago, and Sandstorm could guess that these two must be desperate for their own naming. He was glad that he had returned in time to witness it.

"Shh!" Whitestorm whispered to Brightkit, as she gathered her kits around her and found them a place to sit. "You can't be an apprentice until you're six moons old."

"But I want to be an apprentice now!"

Sandstorm left Whitestorm trying to explain Clan customs to the insistent Brightkit and went to sit near the front of the gathering, next to Fireheart.

Her head whipped around in alarm as he took his place. "Sandstorm! Where have you been? You smell like a fox that's been dead for a moon!"

"Sorry," Sandstorm mumbled. "It was an accident." He hated the stench as much as any cat, and he didn't like having to lie to Fireheart about how he came to smell like that.

"Well, stay away from me till it wears off!" Though Fireheart's words were firm, there was laughter in her eyes as she shifted a tail-length away from him.

"And clean yourself up before you come into the den," growled a familiar voice. Sandstorm turned to see Goldenflower standing behind him. "I'm not going to sleep with that stink in my nose!"

Sandstorm dipped his head in embarrassment as Goldenflower stalked away, then looked up as Oakstar began to speak.

"We are gathered here to give two Clan kits their apprentice names." She glanced down to where Lionheart was sitting proudly, with her tail curled neatly over her paws. The two kits sat one on each side of her, and as Oakstar spoke, the bigger of them, a tortoiseshell and white kit, sprang impatiently to his paws.

"Yes, come forward, both of you," Oakstar invited warmly.

The tortoiseshell and white kit dashed forward and skidded to a stop at the foot of the Highrock. His sister followed more sedately. She was snow white, just like her father.

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