Chapter 11

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"Great Starclan!" breathed Fireheart.

The other two cats grunted in agreement, but Sandstorm was speechless with horror. He had instantly recognized the shining expanse of water, and now he recalled Spottedleaf's ominous words. "Water can dissolve sand."

Fear chilled him as he struggled to understand how this flood could threaten his Clan, so that he was hardly aware of Silverstream trying to attract his attention until the big silver tabby cat pressed up close to his side. Panic flared in Silverstream's blue eyes, and Sandstorm didn't need to ask why. His friend was afraid for Graystripe.

The land was lower on the Riverclan bank, so the flood-waters could spread much farther. As for the camp on the island... Sandstorm wondered how much f that was underwater. He had grown to like Graystripe in spite of his concerns, and he felt a grudging respect for Blackclaw and Rippleclaw, too. He didn't want to imagine them driven out of their camp, or worse, drowned.

Dappletail had padded right to the water's edge and was gazing out across the river. "Riverclan isn't going to like this," he remarked. "And good thing, too. It'll keep them off our territory."

Sandstorm felt Silverstream tense at the note of satisfaction in Dappletail's voice. He shot his friend a warning glance. "Well, we can't patrol the border now," he pointed out. "We'd better get back to camp and report this. Come on, Silverstream," he added firmly, seeing the warrior look once more with anguish across the swollen river.

As soon as Oakstar heard the news she leaped to the top of the Highrock and gave the familiar call: "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting."

At once cats began to pour out of their dens and into the clearing. Sandstorm took his place at the front of the crowd, noticing with a prickle of annoyance that Brightkit had come bouncing along after Whitestorm, although he was too young to attend the meeting. He saw Raggedpelt and Cinderpaw listening from the mouth of the fern tunnel. Even Brokentail emerged from her den, nudged along by Mousefur.

The bright morning was coming to an end. Clouds were massing to cover the face of the sun, and the gentle breeze had strengthened until a stiff wind blew across the clearing, flattening the fur of the cats who crouched around the Highrock. Sandstorm shivered, and didn't know whether it was from cold or apprehension.

"Cats of Thunderclan," meowed Oakstar. "Our camp may be in danger. The snow has gone, but the river has burst its banks. Part of our territory is already flooded."

A chorus of dismay rose from the Clan, but Oakstar raised her voice above the yowls. "Sandstorm, tell the Clan what you have seen."

Sandstorm stood up and described how the river had overflowed near the Sunningrocks.

"It doesn't sound that dangerous to us," meowed Darkstripe when he had finished. "We have plenty of territory left for prey. Let Riverclan worry about the floods."

A murmur of approval broke out, although Sandstorm noticed that Goldenflower stayed silent. He sat at the base of the Highrock, motionless except for the twitching tip of his tail.

"Silence!" spat Oakstar. "The water could spread here before we know it. Something like this is bigger than Clan rivalry. I don't want to hear that any Riverclan cats have died from these floods."

Sandstorm noticed a hot glow in her eyes as she spoke, as if her words meant more than she had said. Puzzled, he remembered how angry Oakstar had been with him for speaking to Riverclan warriors; yet now her strength of feeling suggested a current of sympathy running deep within her.

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