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Avu knocked on SA's door..

"Come in"

She stormed in


SA-what.. Why?

Avu-(she pointed towards the Room which now belonged to sharad) why?

SA-oh that was for you,sweetheart.. You both dated for 2 years..i know it was just because of your health conditions or else I can see he still cares for you.. His parents and I thought the best for could spend your last months of your life being happy.. Like the life you wanted with him.. To pretend you're disease free and you're fit and fine..

SA and sharad's parents were very supportive of their relationship and thought of the future with them when their was no spark between them

Avu-you wouldn't quit saying that..Would you? You wouldn't let me feel like I am would always be my fault that we broke up.. Wouldn't it be? I am not some endangered species mom.. I am a human.. I want to be treated normal.. It already sucks to not be able to eat my favourite food.. You know what he always said? That we will find something to make you okay.. To make you normal..I was born with it..THIS is my normal.. Why don't anyone understands that (she sniffled)

SA-Avu-(She cuts in)

Avu-Please stop.. Please! (She left the room crying AGAIN )

On her way she collided with sharad who was holding a glass of water which was now spilled on her

Avu-wow.. The only thing that could've happened

She started to leave but sharad held her arm from behind

She glared at him

Sharad-i am sorry, babes.. I didn't see where I was going

Avu-yah can see that for sure

Sharad-i am sorry to hear the news about your, you know..We will find a way to make you know that right?

She huffed and laughed sarcastically

Avu-I am afraid not

She jerked her hand away from his and ran upstairs and saw Sid standing in the balcony

Avu's POV

Why the hell isn't anyone in their room today

She started towards her room and heard Sid turn at the sound of her footsteps..She looked back to see if he was.. And he was indeed..His eyes first landed on her face then down her body.. His eyes darkened at the sight...

She looked down at herself to see what gathered his attention and saw she was really wet after all and the shirt was sticking hella lot for her comfort but surprisingly it felt good because that look wasn't just lust it was  appreciation,adoration and uhh a little bit of lust i guess.. Stop!

She cleared her throat

He look up back at her face and his eyes lightened a bit and he smiled

That was quite enough what she needed to smile
Avu-hi(she nodded)
It almost felt surreal that all what mattered in the moment was that she was happy and he was far from him yet close His look changed to a teasing one

Sid-you still didn't tell me what you wrote about me in your dairy?
(He kept his teasing smile or rather a smirk on his face)

Avu-l met a bastard who lovesss(she dragged the word) to stare at people's soaked bodies pretty much sums it up(she nods with a smirk)

She almost felt shocked with all the
boldness she was channeling here

Sid shook his head with a smile

Sid-so you noticed, huh?

She smiled

Avu-yah not blind after all(she shrugged)

He nodded and she nodded back with a smile


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