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Avu-Mom! Fast! First of all he invited me alone! And I am taking you then you are reallyyy late!

SA-Stop yelling at me.. I am your mom.. Not the other way

Avu rolled her eyes

SA-i told Sharad and Siddharth to cook the dinner together tonight

Avu's eyes widened and her mouth opened in an "O"

Avu-No you didn't(she frowned)

SA-i did actually (while searching for the keys)

Avu-Great.. Guess we aren't getting any food tonight(she mumbled to herself)

They left

SA-Good morning,Doctor

Dr smiled

Dr-Good morning ms kaur and our another ms kaur(he smiled at Avu.. Smiled back) Guess we should get started to avoid you saying me goodnight(SA and Dr laughed)

Avu didn't..Her mind drifted back to "THE GOOD NIGHT".. She shook her head to clear the image outta her head

Dr looked at her

Dr-I see you've been happy lately..colour returning to your cheeks and all

Avu-Ahh... Is that a problem?

Dr-No.. Not at all just shocked that you find out you're about to uhh loose the battle and the next week I find you like this...Like maybe the first time I see hope in you to live

Avu shook her head with a frown

Avu-Happy? yes hopeful? MAYBE NOT

Dr nodded

Dr-so we have to do.. Chest X-ray first

After the checkup

Dr-I will email you the reports

SA and Avu nodded

In the auto

SA-how did you knew you are going to loose this thing?

Avu-Life? I didn't just guessed it from your behavior (she shrugged)

They reached Home.. she knocked on the door while being famished

A hand lands on her shoulder from behind she turns behind a behind to see sharad and then the package in his hands.. She beamed with happiness


He smiled

Sharad-I guess I did

Sid opened the door the door and saw them smiling at eachother..His jaw sets

Sid cleared his throat

Sid-Welcome home(he said with excessive sweetness)

Avu Looked at Him burning holes where sharad's hand was resting on shoulder.. She moved away from him..Sid looked down at the movement and their eyes met..He looked at her with hard look and then signed SA to come inside

MAYBE NOTOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant