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"LET ME GO YOU BASTARD!" You looked up to see a tall man with blond hair just under his jawline, which was sharp as hell. As he bent forward to be at my eye level, his forelock stroked your forehead. "Come with me, i've gotten a message to keep you safe." His deep, husky voice spoke.

"NO! I WON'T BELIEVE YOU! YOU JUST WANT TO KILL ME!" You yelled. You pulled yourself out of his grip and ran away once again.


You turned around, awestruck

"How the hell do you know my name..." You said in a deep voice. 

"How the hell do you think" He said.

You looked at his blue eyes before you turned around and ran. I'll find a place to stay, I just know it... And you ran away, to the mountains.

~Time skip~

You saw a stick moving in the bushes. Why the hell is that damn stick moving. That guy was also kinda hot- No oh my god why are you saying that (Y/N), and why am I talking to myself- oh lord the damn stick is moving again. Might as well help it. She moved towards the stick, pulling it out. To your surprise it was a scarecrow. "Probably was an animal moving it. Whelp, I don't know. Why the hell is its head a turnip. I hate damn turnips. Oh well, turnip-head, I'll leave you here now. Bye!"

After a minute or two you pulled out your phone and bluetooth headphones. "Might as well listen to some music." You said as you put your playlist on. As you walked on, you felt like you were being watched. You turned around and saw Turnip-Head. "Oh, so you are alive! Great, just great! First he turns into a monster and now there is a magic scarecrow following me around with a turnip as its head. What now? Howl's moving castle is real and he indeed eats hearts?" You scoff, kicking the dirt and moving forward.

Turnip head hobbled forward, signing for you to follow him. You scoff, and follow him to wherever he's leading you. "Well I guess it is." You said as the huge castle appeared. "You want me to get in, Turnip? Okay fine I guess" You huff. "Bye Turnip, sorry for being mean! Thank you so much!" You said as you hugged him.

(A/N): Whew! I made this as long as I could without ruining the storyline. Please comment, don't be a ghostreader :P. Ily all!

My Spark (Howl x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن