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When you woke up the next morning, you noticed something was... different. Oh that's right. I slept in Howl's bed. You looked in the mirror. "OH HELL NO!" You cried out. Your (H/C) (H/L) hair had two (H/C) wolf ears sticking out, with white fluff. There were wings on your back. One was of an angel, the other one of a devil, but not red, (F/C). You had dragon horns in black with (F/C) tips sticking out of your head. Lastly you had a tail. It was (H/C) with a (F/C) tip. There were black halo's surrounding it.

"What's wro-." Howl walked in and his eyes widened. "INSTEAD OF JUST STANDING THERE MAYBE HELP ME!?" You screamed. "Girl I don't think I can help you." He simply replied.


"Because this IS you."

"T-t-this i-i NO I CANNOT BE ME! THERE IS NOBODY MAGIC IN MY FAMILY!" You cried out. You absolutely hated this. "Maybe you are adopted?" Howl asked you. "NO I'M NOT.... I think..." You replied.

"Damn what's all the yelling about." Markl stood in the doorway.

"Watch your mouth there, Markl." You warned him.

"Wow (Y/N)! You look great!" Markl replied. "I love your cosplay! I didn't know you were a furry!"

You face palmed and rolled your eyes. "I am NOT a furry." You huffed.

"Well technically you are a real life furry..." Howl stated, carefully. "I BEG YOUR PARDON!?"

"N-nothing..." Howl said. "Damn women are terrifying." He mumbled.

You huffed. "I'm going to take a shower."

After the shower you put on your favorite dress. (Idk how to explain it so here's a pic)

The darkest parts are black, the medium parts white and the lightest is in a pastel (F/C)

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The darkest parts are black, the medium parts white and the lightest is in a pastel (F/C)

You went downstairs. "Woah (Y/N) one, that's a gorgeous dress, two WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL HAPPENED!?" Calcifer looked like he was about to faint. "Excuse me?" You growled. "I told you women were scary." That was Howl. He was brushing his hair, putting it up. His forelock was loose. After that, he leaned back on his chair and shut his eyes. "Are you going out?" He asked you.

"Does it matter to you?" You questioned back.

"Not really." He said. You rolled your eyes and went towards the door, opening it. "Bye!" You said. "Bye (Y/N)! See you soon!" Markl said.

Howl immediatly sat up. "Markl did you get the decorations?" He asked. "Yep!"

"Good." Howl started. "Let's get her birthday started." He smirked.

(A/N): Hiii sorry this is late, but yesterday i had a tight schedule. Bye i hope u like this chapter byee <3

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